CHILDREN OF ANGLO INDIAN GIRLS WHO HAVE MARRIED OUTSIDE THE COMMUNITY HAVE NO RIGHTS TO THEIR COMMUNITY BENEFITS FOR THEIR CHILDREN. This is a very serious matter which smacks the height of chauvinism! I am told this is enshrined in the Constitution of India and as times have changed the Community needs to take on a serious debate and demand from its MLAs and MPs who sit in all houses of Assembly and Parliament to hear what the consensus is and if necessary have the definition of Anglo Indian changed in the Constitution to give equal rights to the sons and daughters of children of Anglo-Indian parents. After all if an Anglo Indian man marries a Hindu, Muslim, Parsee or whoever his children are protected under the Constitution as Anglo Indians. If an Anglo Indian woman marries out of her community she loses all rights for her children. This is particularly complex if she is deserted by her husband thereafter or her husband dies and as a single parent she has to bear the full responsibility for bringing the children up. ARE YOU AWARE THAT THE COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP CAN TURN THEIR BACKS ON HER. No bursaries (and there are many) are technically available to her children under the banner of community. I find this unfair and unreasonable – her brother’s children would have all the benefits even if he had married outside the community but she would not if she chose to do so. What do people feel? I believe instead of discussing inconsequential issues in this forum we need to highlight such issues and get them addressed.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Feb 2014 12:12:55 +0000

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