CHRISTIAN LIFE ( article 101) Have u sometimes hear ppl talk - TopicsExpress


CHRISTIAN LIFE ( article 101) Have u sometimes hear ppl talk about how hard it is to be a christian. U often hear it said, it is not easy to be a christian. I do ask myself, do they mean to become a christain or to remain a christian is wht isnt easy? I will assume they mean both, so I will relate to both here.Ppl make such comment, I beliv, bcos of wrong teachings they hav been taught abt d two subjects -becoming and remaining a christain. Well, both of them are hard or evn impossible if u follow d popular teachings today on them. Really becoming a christain is as simple as remaining a christian. But this has been made to b seen d other way round. In becoming a christain, u simply beliv, accept n confess Jesus Christ as ur Lord n Savior. Thr are many intances to verify dat in d Scriptures, eg (Acts 16:30-33). Dats so simple! Just by faith, no works -lik living a godly n holy life, praying n fasting, n stuffs lik dat were added to make u a christian (Gal 2:16). If dats all it take to become a believer, how on earth would u think u hav to keep all those things, all d laws of Moses n its precepts n ordinances to remain accepted by God which is wht it literally mean to remain a christian? Col 2:6 says As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus d Lord so walk ye in him How did u receive Him (for those dat hav received Jesus)? How holy n righteous were u prior to dat? Wht did u do that attracted dat gr8st miracle of salvation to u? If its by grace thru faith (Eph 2:8), then continue in Him by grace thru faith as well. So simple too. Truely religion dat has entered d Body of Christ has really messed things up n made christian life look so hard to live. I do ask ppl how would God deliver us from d Law which is so hard, not just so hard but impossible to live in as required, and give us a harder one to live in when d former we survived not in. A series of teaching I entitled Doctrines & Traditions/Commandment of Men reveal more on this d effects they have on us. Today all we hear is, u have to do this n dat to retain ur salvation. U hear things lik live holy, be mor righteuos, do dis, dont do dat or u will loose or break ur relationship or fellowship with God, if u sin God rejects u n turns back at u. Thats silly! Believing n living dat way is fallen from grace n making Christ of no value, of no effect (Gal 5:4). Fallen from grace is simply doing without Christ and dat is a terrible place for christian to be in. If u fallen out of grace whr do u fall into then? U fall into d place whr Apostle Paul says if u are into, u r under a curse (Gal 3:10). I hear many tell me but d Bible says, work out ur own salvation... Really they qoute dat verse out of context. I wont go into dat now, it will tak me time to explain n connect to other scriptures. I kw some will misunderstand it whn I talked abt WORKS. Thr are much to talk abt that but let me summarise it dat thr are two types of works talked about in d New Testament: works of d Law and works of Faith. Majority live in d former which CANNOT bring or retain salvation, bring nor keep one to remain in Gods presence. Friends I quit here to continue on this another time. Thr is much more on this. Remain blessed!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 09:26:15 +0000

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