“CLAIM,…YOUR,…FREEDOM!”… Freedom!... what a - TopicsExpress


“CLAIM,…YOUR,…FREEDOM!”… Freedom!... what a magnificent word!... It is an even more glorious experience, but history has shown that,…more often than not; it comes at a Great-Price. America celebrates her Freedom, from England,…every 4th of July; but, that long ago day in 1776,…was the result of; great conflict, and tremendous loss of Life. Other wars, down through the ages, have likewise brought Freedom,…from oppression for some; but, it was at the expense of those willing to give,…the ultimate sacrifice: of their own lives!... America has boasted, of being the “Freest” nation on Earth,…but; some are very concerned, that those Freedoms are being very quickly eroded. 911 brought great changes in this country, and many of them are reflected by the massive government restrictions,…that were implemented; and continue to expand, thus limiting the tremendous Freedoms we enjoyed,…since this nation was founded. Many other regulations, which supposedly protect the environment, have literally changed our way of Life,…and; inflicted a great financial burden on various businesses and consumers!... The Freedom, to which our Apostle Paul,…alludes to in, (Galatians 4:26)…likewise came; at a great price, even the Precious Blood of Jesus!... The difference is that this Freedom does not, in any wise way,…deteriorate. The tragedy is that many, even among Christians,…never learn to enjoy it. Paul wrote this letter, to the Galatians because they had been duped,…by certain Judaizers; and had elected to put themselves, under the bondage of the Law. They had not only deprived themselves, of the Freedom purchase by Blood,…but; they had also willingly surrendered themselves to a continued state of,…infancy. They remained babes, in Christ!... Our Saviour, makes us Free,…as we learn; the Glorious-Truth, of His Work of Redemption,…at Calvary. He paid the complete price, for our Freedom,…and; to those, who will simply believe His Word,…we are; made Free, by experience,…every time: our Faith reaches-out, to claim it!... Amen. Your Friend, Izzy!...
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 17:55:10 +0000

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