CLARITY Picture Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:59 – 4:30 pm Even - TopicsExpress


CLARITY Picture Tuesday, March 18, 2014 3:59 – 4:30 pm Even though I am sleepy, God wants me awake. Okay, here I am, Lord. Behold the Skies in their clarity and you. Enjoy these joyful days of spring. I make them pleasant for you. All things are renewed in the spring. The trees that were dormant come to Life again. Animals join daylight. It is a time for clarity and newness and the cleanness of Humanity. What comes comes during a springtime, when clarity and newness are part of the life cycle. My Children will have new eyes for seeing and new ears with which to hear. My Belovéd Children will have new hearts by which to Love Me and your brothers and sisters. Your souls will know and you shall understand your souls. It comes, My Belovéd Children. Do not think it will not, for it must. This errant and rebellious World requires it. A good father does not allow his children to run as they wish or destroy their lives as they desire. No. The best of all fathers stops their children from this behavior and sees to it that they avoid doing such things again, first by stern reprimands or lectures. When that does not work, you offer stronger reprimands than the first. Still your children misbehave. (Then), the father sees the extent of his children’s disobedience and takes what is dear to them and illustrates what their punishment will be. Finally, they are viewed as libertines and seen as such, and treated as such. Thus, My Belovéd Children, do not be belligerent or odious with your Father who adores you. No parent desires to punish his child but will when he must. I am a Loving Father. I am also a just and righteous God. I do not accept disbelief or belligerence. There is so much in this World. Step away from what you do not know. Father, will this experience age us – like will I get more gray hair because I’ll be so freaked out? Silly Child! You worry about the hair that I have given you when you should worry about the suffering state of your soul. Fundamentally you will remain unchanged but for your heart and soul. Many will turn to Me. Many will turn away. Oh Dearest Children, it comes so soon. Be ready by your constant prayer and loyalty and Love to Christ, My Son and the Lord of Life, the King of kings. Praise Him always, for this lights My Heart as it does His. Children, more disasters come. The mountains will have grand fits of rage and the trees in many places will burn, burn, burn. The grounds will crumble because the earth trembles. All of the stars above will burn bright as our sun dims and yet there will be fire around the sun. Fire around a black sun. Oh Children pray to Me, your Lord God who Loves you above all things. Pray and accept what comes. Know that I Love you and I am with you every day. Do not grow desolate in paths or plans for you, for they are great. When you cannot see light in darkness, it is very dark indeed. But if you open one small light miles away, you will see a starting point. Some place to move toward. Let me be that Light which draws you to Me. Belovéd Children, pray. There are many who need prayer. Pray for them. I Love My Belovéd Children. Peace, My Children. Peace. PRESSURE AND PERMANENCE Picture Thursday, March 13, 2014 3:52 – 4:38 pm Father, You give me such peace. I sometimes wish I could understand what, or rather, how it is I am praising You in Tongues. I hope it is fancy, elaborate and very loving. And I hope the angels are chiming in with me. It only seems right. Pressure and permanence… Children, understand that the time comes when your souls will see or experience the destructions of sin. It is a crushing thing and so many of My Belovéd Children are unprepared to greet this Light or knowledge. Poor or weak Children, you must understand this. You must not doubt. How I plead and how My Belovéd Children ignore My pleas. Dearest Children, what must I say to bring you to Me. How must I call you to make you take notice of My Great Love for you. When will you allow Me into your Hearts and let My Love blossom with warmth and mercy and joy and (without the) abandonment of these. I cannot fathom the indifference of My Belovéd Children. When you are warned of avalanches, do you not move to avoid these rampages? When you are made aware of great floods, do you not seek higher grounds? When there is fire, do you not look for water to douse it? Why then when your Eternal Father and Most Holy Creator says to you, “Come to Me, for your Time to debate is over,” do you ignore Me? Why, when your Belovéd God pleas, “Come to Me, for the trials begin and the experience will be cold and harsh”, do you disregard My pleas? Why then, when your Heavenly Father who holds you so Dear and Belovéd, do you ignore My Warnings not to be frivolous with your Time. You must come to Me for Mercy and reconcile before the doors to this great gift are closed to you. You do not disregard the gifts you are given by your friends. You do not disaccept (object to) a gift you receive from your husband or wife. Why do you throw this Blesséd Gift of Mercy that I bestow upon you, My Belovéd Children. Why do you find My Mercy so inconsequential. **** Belovéd Children, listen to My pleas. Listen to the pleas of the Most Holy Queen of Mercy, the Most Blesséd Mother. I hold her so very dear. Learn how to Love your Lord God from her – Gentle Mother who is so Holy. Heed her words and prepare by prayer. Give praise to the Son of Man, Christ the King. She guides the faithful and protects them with the mantle of gentle Love. Her Love is strong and very present within this famine and desolate World. She brightens even the most darkened areas of this World to bring hope to the faithful and to draw the unfaithful into Christ’s welcoming Heart. Belovéd Children, in her wisdom and Love and holiness, the Blesséd Mother and Queen of Heaven knows that to worship and adore Christ Jesus, the Son of God, is to worship and adore the Father, for We are One with the Spirit and together are the One True God. The Blesséd Mother Loves all of the Children of this World and will intercede often for you. Do not disregard the beauteous and Eternal Queen of grace and Mercy. She is Most Belovéd to Me. Belovéd Children, I am emphasizing the urgency of My Calls. I am emphasizing the calibre and nature of My unconditional Love. Do not think that I merely coax some into action for amusement. I am a lovable Father but I am also a just God. I make no clandestine judgments. I give My Belovéd Children numerous warnings and countless calls to come to their Lord God who Loves His Children beyond all boundaries. I ask, will you not answer My Calls and come to your Lord God who Loves you? When the clouds begin to roil and great clouds turn black from gray, where shall My Wayward and Belligerent Children stand then? When the black clouds roil and My Children search for the Light of the World, where will they go in their fear? When the red fire begins to fall and the Spirit descends upon this World of rebellious and disobedient Children, who shall you cry out for but Me, your Belovéd Lord God and Father. You will know the seriousness of My Calls. You will understand the nature of Time. You will feel the coldness of truth without Mercy. Belovéd Children, I implore you now, come to your Lord God. I offer you such good gifts and such great and unconditional Love. Do not reject this gift, Belovéd Children. Do not reject your Belovéd Father. **** Children, I am your Loving Father. Pray, My Belovéds. I hear your prayers calling to Me like songs and I answer each of My Children with resounding Love. Belovéd Children, work to bring your brothers and sisters to My Light. To bring one soul to Me is cause for greatest celebration, for you bestow upon your Heavenly Father such a Loving and Belovéd gift. All of Heaven celebrates to save one soul. My Heart swells, Children, and I am so very pleased by you. Thus, bring other Children to your Eternal Father that they too may share in Eternal joy and Love. Belovéd Children, look to the skies and watch for the gray skies that are flat that transition to black. Then those that start to roil clockwise. Pray always and especially then. Show people how to pray and Help those who are weak in spirit also. They will not fare well. Blesséd Children, as I say always and will always say, pray. Prayer answers all concerns and solves all problems. It soothes a trembling soul and guides your Heart to Me. Pray for direction and pray for Mercy. Pray in joy and sadness. Pray for your brothers and sisters and for those who run from Me. Always pray, My Children. Always pray. It is a salve to My Wounded Heart. Beauteous Children, in all of your prayer, I grant you peace. My peace is for you to share. Peace, My Children. Peace.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 13:06:28 +0000

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