CLASSMATE - I feel that President Obama is taking the incorrect - TopicsExpress


CLASSMATE - I feel that President Obama is taking the incorrect steps in his plan to “fix” our nation’s immigration laws. Our country currently has enough issues to deal with as it is and all we do is keep letting more people across the border. People wonder why we have the problems that we do. I do not agree with his proposal to issue work permits to illegal immigrants to provide security for their stay here in the United States. Deport them! Granting amnesty to millions of unauthorized immigrants and then allowing them in the country to work where we are already at a shortage of jobs for our own people is just insane. I think we should focus on our own people of this country, the current lack of jobs, and how we can improve the economy ME - First off, I think you did a great job assessing the information from the article and then relating it to the module. Beyond that, I will say that I disagree with your assessment to the value of the Presidents actions. My food for thought follows. First, while our country does have a number of issues, having these issues does not cancel out others. This, like our other issues, IS an issue. And one will get bipartisan support on that simple observation. :o) My point is that just having a country filled with problems that are worth solving is a nonsensical point to why that country should not solve some of them. Considering that so many people are effected by our countries policy on immigration, whether it is the angry tax payer, the bleeding heart liberal, or the MILLIONS of illegal immigrants, I find it insensible to argue that blowing it off, as if the issue is some peripheral issue our country faces, is the policy the President should take. And on the idea of just deporting the illegal immigrants, I take it you afford these people very little empathy. And that is absolutely your right as a free citizen of the US to assess your own thoughts and feelings on a group of people. Here is some more food for thought. I wont be so bold to assume you have or have not traveled the US. But I can say I have. Quite extensively. I have been to every state in the continental US and spent 5 years of my life living on the road. Our country is HUMONGOUS. There is plenty of room for more and more immigrants. :o) According to wiki there are 14 million illegal immigrants in our country. I think that wed agree that is a notable amount. From what I understand, the gross peak of amnesty expected to be awarded would reach 5 million. Excuse my by the seat of my pants math, but that is only one-third of the entire population of immigrants, at best, that are still not threatened by possible deportation. So, if Obama succeeds to the fullest of his abilities with this first tier of immigration reform you still get to deport 9 million people. If I remember correctly, the influx of illegal immigrants has decreased over the past years substantially and the deportation of criminal illegal aliens has gone up 80%. So that is beneficial to those who are down on illegal immigration, yes? Now the shortage of jobs is a very real problem that our country faces as well. But I find it hard pressed to blame the illegal immigrants for this issue. Our economy is far more effected by the blanket of its government policy than it will ever be by illegal immigration. Illegal immigrants are working very hard jobs for very little pay. This is pay that either a) employers are not willing to increase, b) unemployed US citizens are still not willing to work for or c) opportunistic employers do not have to be responsible for books, healthcare, etc. Thats OUR problem. Thats OUR countries lack of character. Not the immigrants fault. Obamas amnesty recognizes that these illegal immigrant families are willing to work under these conditions and be a part of our country regardless to whether it is illegal or not. In doing so, this provides an avenue to make employers more accountable for their end of the bargain. Not only do illegal immigrants become tax paying NON-citizens of the US, it also provides more taxes for our country to invest for our economy, a better consensus of our economy, and the ability recognize families that WANT to work to be a part of the US. The ability to tax individuals that were otherwise considered invisible I assume can only benefit the economy. Lastly, there is a huge lack of empathy concerning too many government policies. Empathy is a fundamental to what makes humans human. And while we are comfortably detached from the people in question while we are in our snug Eastern NY/PA suburbs, these numbers of illegal immigrants you suggest we deport, as if with a hair trigger, represent REAL families. Just like our families. Some families containing US citizens. And do not take for granted that NONE of us are in this country without our families, at one time or another, IMMIGRATING to this country. Outside of the low percentage of native americans, or the unfortunate population of people brought here in the APATHETIC slave trade, so many of us originated here with our ancestors intentions of finding a better life for their families and themselves. It is at the root of how this country came to be. Think about it. This Thursday our country will be celebrating the pilgrims who came here escaping religious persecution. If you visit El Paso, TX you can drive along the boarder of Mexico. There are miles where the only thing between you and modern day Mexican Hoovervilles are a metal fence. Mexico has far less opportunity. They have issues far more grave than ours. Can you fault people for wanting better for their families? I am sure you cant. Still, that might not be enough for you to feel that there is a place for so many dreaming families in this HUMONGOUS country. I beg to differ. I think our country strives due to its diversity and struggles because of its apathy.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Nov 2014 15:23:09 +0000

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