CNNs Cuomo interviewed 3 people who are active in leading the - TopicsExpress


CNNs Cuomo interviewed 3 people who are active in leading the protests, and skirted the central issue by not focusing on THE SYSTEMIC RACIST OPRESSION THAT AMERICANS OF COLOR HAVE BEEN BRUTALIZED BY AND SUBJECTED TO FOR CENTURIES. Cuomo asked, are you angry, and pointed out that violence against violence is not good - (duh, lets inscribe some granite) but he like the vast majority of the media wants to know what the demands of the protesters are rather than having a discussion about police departments nationally who have engaged in systemic racism and the unequal brutal treatment of people of color. Protestors and most Americans want ACCOUNTABILITY AND CONSEQUENCES, WHICH CAN HAPPEN IMMEDIATELY IF THERE IS A WILL FROM THE MAYORS AND SAFETY DIRECTORS OF ALL THE CITIES THAT ARE CLEARLY GUILTY OF SYSTEMIC RACISM AND FAR MORE THAN MERE EXCESSIVE FORCE. TO ESTABLISH ACCOUNTABILITY AND CONSEQUENCES ALONG WITH A SPECIAL PROSECUTOR UNRELATED TO POLICE WOULD BE FAR MORE FUNCTIONAL THAN --- SO-CALLED SENSATIVITY TRAINING FOR BIGGOTS? COME ON - SENSITIVITY TRAINING TO STOP ALL THE HATE --- why not sensitivity for McConnell, Boehner, Issa, Ryan and Cruz - get serious. John Kuntz, The Plain Dealer -- CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Cleveland City Council members grilled police brass Monday over the findings of a U.S. Justice Department investigation into police use of force and demanded accountability for the death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice, who was shot and killed by an officer last month....Cleveland Safety Director Michael McGrath says he is staying the course, despite numerous calls for his resignation.... Less than a week after the Justice Department released its report concluding that officers often shoot, pistol whip or use Tasers on citizens unnecessarily, council members challenged McGrath, referring to the directors earlier comments that the Justice Department report made his 41-year career seem like a sham. ....gee whiz...maybe McGrath is right about something. SO IF THERE IS NO REMORSE OR CRITICAL SELF ANALYSIS JUST AVOIDANCE AND DENIAL - HOW DOES A MAN LIKE THIS REVERSE 41 YEARS OF RACISM THAT HE WAS A PART OF? Clevelands Mayor, Frank Johnson is black and has not come out with any statements that would reassure anyone, but McGrath who he maintains he will leaved in place - to rectify what he overlooked for 41 years? The right discussion is about accountability and consequences...not how to eradicate the ignorance of racism - because it is self-evident that a majority of humans cling to the comfort of ignorance in lieu of the excitement of learning from and exploring the unknown.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 13:09:00 +0000

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