CONFESSION: MY WIFE HAD ANOTHER MANS CHILD Some people say whites and blacks are the same and equal, which personally I am not so much amused about because if this is true, then why are we so different in everything? If our eyes are black or brown when theirs are blue or green, then how could we be seeing the same things and live in the same world? I have seen many a naked body of a white woman; her body shape is different so is her feet. Her body smells and tastes so different from a black woman’s. Generally, a white woman is as cold as sea food while a black is saltish even in her body sweat. Their men too, generally have smaller hoods as compared to men of my tribe who stand out with a mandingo size. Our drums are different. Whites respond to only two musical melodies- listen to their own music, rock n roll, and or country. It’s either smooth or heavy metal. Blacks have eight melodies and as such, our music is as diverse as is our dance and cultures from South Africa to Nigeria. Our continents are not only demarcated by huge amounts of waters but different in weather patterns as well. When its winter in my village, its summer in their lands. And when it is winter in their lands, their soils are white in snow. Normally, our seasons are four in number while theirs are only about two. And because their skin lacks colour, it absorbs so much heat which in turn allows them to withstand cold temperatures. This natural mechanism also allows them to have a normal immune system of around 1500. Blacks have a skin colour which however does not absorb so much heat from the sun causing us to generally be lacking in vitamin D which comes from the sun resulting in our lowered immunity which averages around 750. If backs and whites were but one people, why then are the pure whites born with a natural immunity against HIV and AIDS while pure blacks are so susceptible? If a white man’s ghost is something black; if a black man’s ghost is something white; if it is true that light and darkness have nothing in common, then between our different races, how could we have a common GOD? rather was it an act of one mother earth with two heavenly fathers? MORE ON: aidscurefound
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 11:17:38 +0000

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