CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND “Words of Light upon the Face of - TopicsExpress


CONFESSION OF A SOUND MIND “Words of Light upon the Face of Bitterness, Discouragement, Enemies, Hatred, Misunderstanding, Nakedness, Pits, Rebellion, Rejection, and Slavery” By Marco Mendoza God has allowed all the things that have happened to me. He allowed the nakedness that was revealed. The enemies that sought to strip me were of him. They meant it for bad, but the Lord meant it for good. They sought to throw me in a pit, but he has brought me out of their self-made pit. Though my enemies have treated me as a bondservant, I am a son of the covenant. The path of a bondservant was the pathway of deliverance. Jesus sent me along that path to turn bondservants into covenant sons. In the end, my enemies bowed to me. The slavery that they imagined for me does not exist. These things happened to me because I am anointed. In the land of misunderstanding, the Lord has blessed me. I am on my way to destiny; therefore, I am rejoicing. I am on course. I have not become discouraged. I have encouraged myself as the Lord has given me people to encourage me, to pray for me, and to bless me. Though there were some who forgot the way I blessed them in the past, there are many that remain who will never forget how God used me in their lives to bless them. Their thanksgiving is more than enough to keep me encouraged. Some people that I blessed in the past have turned against me. I no longer feel bad. This is what happened to Joseph. He blessed a man in prison, but when the man was released from prison, the man forgot Joseph. The gifts that were used in the past to help people that depended on me are still mine. I am a dreamer, a prophet, and they will need me again; therefore, I continue on to my destiny. The circumstances God has sent to them will bring them to destiny land for help. I will not despise the time spent in the trials. There is nothing that the Lord cannot and will not forgive me of except blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. I have been forgiven, and the path to destiny is before me. There are no more vultures on this pathway. He has sent them away, and I continue to rejoice. I have entered into God’s inner courts by praise. I have allowed thanksgiving to flow out of me. My thanksgiving has accomplished things for me and others that I never could have imagined. I am walking in the spirit of prosperity. Those who have rejected me have rejected the true prosperity of the last days. They have accepted prosperity wrapped in hatred and rebellion. Hatred and rebellion are thieves, and they have stripped them as they travel in their assumed path of success. I am worshipping God in spirit and in truth. He has not stopped my blessings in this time of misunderstanding, but he has increased them. I am a better person today. The Lord has preserved me from bitterness, and now I have become a blessing to others.
Posted on: Sun, 25 Aug 2013 12:04:05 +0000

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