CONSISTENCY.. Over the years people that have made indellible - TopicsExpress


CONSISTENCY.. Over the years people that have made indellible and impactful marks on the sand of time in their careers and professions, business,ministry and politics, one thing that is so common to all of them is that they are consistent people who stay with their work without minding the distractions and challenges trying to pull them down and taking their focus from achieving and attaining their goal in life and destiny. However,to be consistent is to possess quality of being stand firm and having a fixed standard towards a particular thing,to remain in the same thing of the same place to keep on doing the same thing, to be faithful at ones assignment in life,being stable and reliable, to always be there at ones duty post, standing for what we believing in and what we have vision for and to be available for Gods use in our areas of ministry. It takes persistency to acquire and attain success in life and destiny but it requires the virtue of consistency to maintain and keep the acquired and attained success. There are distractions and deceptions in life, only the people who are stable in God and His word and consistently consistent in what they are doing that we overcome. Therefore, to achieve better and greater results more than our peers and contemporaries in the same job consistency is the key to be applied to make it done and become realistic in our life. It is unfortunate today that people who are to change,better and add value to the world allow the challenges of this world to sway them away from their calling and ministry because they lack strength of God within them and consistency in their walk with God to break forth in their ministry.Getting connected to God and possessing the spirit of consistency in our life will positioned and set the pace for us to maximize our life,doing exploit for God and adding value to humanity. Consistency in purity of life prepare ground for us to receiving and maximizing Gods power and Gods power enabling us to withstand and overcome all storms of life that can come on our ways to wane us down and render us obselete in our callings. Friends,lets be consistent in studying and applying Gods word in our life, developing consistent prayer life and depending on God to build our integrity before Him and other people around us and make diligence, dedication and discipline our motto and by so doing we are on our way to become succesful in life and destiny.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 11:19:57 +0000

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