CONTROLLED OPPOSITION From there, “Real News” on The Blaze TV - TopicsExpress


CONTROLLED OPPOSITION From there, “Real News” on The Blaze TV reached out to me about being a guest on their show Tuesday night. They were doing a segment on nullification in response to the Politico article. “You have to start doing things local and state in nature,” said Glenn Beck when talking in support of a Texas bill to nullify NDAA indefinite detention last fall. “There should be fifty states” doing the same, said Beck. Knowing that history, I figured the “divide and conquer” methods of Politico would be set aside. I quickly let the booker, Kristie, know that I was available to do the interview. And being in Downtown Los Angeles, getting set up at a remote studio is an absolute breeze. I gave her my address and phone number and let her know she should contact me to let me know when and where I was going. She told me to “standby” while the show rundown sheet was confirmed. In other words, everything’s set, and they’re just finalizing the order and timing of the show. But from there, crickets. It was getting a little late for the 3:30pm broadcast time, and suddenly I got a follow up email from Kristie asking me to share my talking points about what they planned to discuss. Would you mind reading the topic below and sending me a few brief notes with your thoughts? (aka, reaction to subject matter) TOPIC: NULLIFYING THE OBAMA AGENDA 37 states have introduced legislation to circumvent federal gun laws. 20 have done the same for Obamacare. It’s part of a strategy by state lawmakers to nullify federal laws they disagree with and, they say, at the same time, uphold the 10th amendment and states’ rights. But some question the wisdom, and more important the legality of this sort of legislation. Can it be successful if challenged in court? Is it really the best way to fight the federal government? Debate/discuss. states seek to nullify obama’s efforts politico/story/2013/07/states-nullification-obama-94826.html Interesting, I thought – they were screening me to make sure I fit the narrative. But, it seemed like a good opportunity, so I replied quickly: Happy to, I was interviewed extensively for that article. My first thought is this – There are always “some” who question the “widsom and legality” of this kind of legislation – and it’s generally the people in power in Washington DC and their supporters. But this wisdom is something that comes directly from James Madison, the father of the Constitution, and Thomas Jefferson – author of the Declaration of Independence. I could go on…. for hours. She replied immediately, asking for “a few more notes please.” It was at this point that I mentioned it to my team – and someone suggested that Real News would likely be bringing on an “expert” on nullification from the Heritage Foundation (who are rabidly anti-nullification) and just wanted my talking points so they could plan on how to refute them. I thought that as well, since Politico trotted out tired old Matt Spalding from Heritage to try to reject nullification. But, I figured it was important enough to respond. I shared nearly 200 words more. A couple hours later, she replied with “We’re actually going to stand down on this segment for today. Thank you so much for your patience.” Sure enough, they didn’t stand down on the segment. They talked about nullification, and brought on an “expert” from Heritage to tell people how nullification was something the states can’t do. The segment ended with a roundtable discussion referring to nullification as “undercutting democracy” and something that “erodes the rule of law.” Watch a clip here. Sharing the same talking points as Rachel Maddow isn’t “Questioning Boldly.” Continue reading at the link below.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 03:43:51 +0000

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