COPING WITH DYSTONIA - TAKEN FROM - Accept your condition Realise that your condition cannot be completely cured or resolved by medical treatment. Understanding your condition and learning more about it might be helpful in accepting what is happening to you. Use a positive approach Recognise that in order to move forward, you must develop a positive relationship with your body and the symptoms it is producing. You can do this by learning positive ways to cope with your condition. It’s OK to grieve Realise that parts of your life may never be the same again. Come to terms with the fact that these past experiences may now be over. Find new ways to make your life rewarding. Realise your limitations Don’t be so hard on yourself when things don’t go the way you’d like them to. Realise, that like all individuals, you have limitations too. Humans make mistakes and it might take a few more mistakes before you develop the skills you need to deal with your condition properly and live as well as you can. Share coping mechanisms If you develop a new way of coping, try sharing it with others in a similar position. By helping another person you’re also helping yourself.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Oct 2013 03:52:49 +0000

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