COURTESY POST: TIME SENSITIVE - PLEASE SHARE Imagine Home Nation! Can you step up? Delayne and his daughter were living together in Ft. Smith, AR and have recently fell on some very hard times. Delayne moved in with a friend in TX. His daughter is still in Ft. Smith with a friend of hers. They were blessed to find someone to foster their two dogs but are still seeking, desperately, someone to foster their two kitties until they can get on their feet. KitKit and Romey are in Ft. Smith with Delaynes daughter. The friend she moved in with is not allowed to have pets and so every day is a gamble. In Delaynes own words: Romey is a Japanese Bobtail (8 1/2 yrs old), he was rescued as a tiny kitten from way out in the country on a farm. My son-in-law found him on his parents land late one night and brought him to us. He LOVES to talk!! Hell meow, then you say something, then hell meow back, and just LOVES that, lol! If you sneeze or cough and it scares him, forget about it!! Hell fuss at you for some time afterwards, lol! He has QUITE the personality, lol! Kit Kit is 6 yrs old and hes a long haired mixed breed. My daughter rescued him from a very busy street next to Walmart one night. His left front paw had been run over and he was just laying in the street! She and her friend thought he was dead, but when they approached him, discovered that he wasnt. My other daughter is a nurse, so she helped us medicate and bandage his tiny paw and today, you cant tell that it was ever injured! He was a very tiny kitten then, but was apparently weened, because we didnt have to bottle feed him. Also, weve wondered ever since then when he was separated from his mother because it seems that he didnt complete his cat training, lol. He uses the litter box, but sometimes will miss...also, he doesnt flush (what I call it, lol). Hell scratch the floor all around the box like he wants to cover it, but theres no litter on the floor! He just does his job and leaves it. Whats sweet is that most of the time, Romey will come along and cover it for him, lol. Kit Kit cant meow...never could! He whispers and sometimes youll just see his mouth open, so you know that he said something, lol. The only way you know that hes purring is by feeling of his throat as you pet or scratch him, lol. Theyre good guys!! Weve loved them all these years and thats why we dont really want to just hand them over to the Humane Society. The one in Fort Smith told me that you can never get your pet back if you sign them over. She and I want whats best for these two, so as a last resort we would adopt them out if theres no other option. If you are able to help KitKit and Romey with a temporary place to stay you can email Delayne at dfinley82@gmail or send a private message to the Imagine Home page. Please share. When I read this request my heart ached for this family that is now separated and in danger. I could feel the love for these kitties in the words Delayne wrote about them. I could hear how desperate he is to find them a safe haven.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 01:02:07 +0000

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