COWS CANNOT SHED TEARS, YOU WHINERS: Focusing on whether cows - TopicsExpress


COWS CANNOT SHED TEARS, YOU WHINERS: Focusing on whether cows actually can physiologically shed tears or not is the paradigm Carnist change the subject/misdirection debate strategy. From God said to Pwants have feelings too!, they will seek to avoid at all costs the Real Issue: How does a being with ANY Compassion and Empathy in his or her heart morally justify the unnecessary infliction of Violence, Pain and Death on another sentient being that, just like Humans, thinks, breathes, yearns for freedom, affection and love, fears harm and death, suffers horribly when violence is sadistically administered and fights for and cries out for his or her life when we savagely end it for our selfish purposes? This applies to factory farms, hunters and all forms of exploitation from zoos, circuses, marine parks to rodeos. By what deluded sense of False Air of Superiority, Shameful Arrogance and Faux Privileged Condescension do we deem ourselves entitled to Use, Abuse and KILL other Sentient Earthlings? There are many lame excuses, pathetic empty rationalizations and desperately bizarre hypotheticals provided by Carnists. Upon careful scrutiny, none of them possess any legitimate, rational or just basis to justify exploitation and murder...not even worth the breath it took to stutter and stammer thru it or to type it out....with bloody knife in hand. All I hear thats Real when I ask Carnists these hard questions....when all the laughable empty rationalizations are debunked....are Crickets....and the Sound of Silence. There is No Counter-Argument to Veganism. --Gary Yourofsky
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:26:48 +0000

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