CRIMINAL CONDUCT- FORMER PDP STATE ORAGANIZING SECRETARY IN DEEP MESS …RISKS 10YEARS JAIL The immediate past State Organizing secretary of the Peoples’ Democratic Party, PDP, Hon Elder Aniekan Uko is facing the battle of his life as he has been dragged before the State Chairman of the Party, the Attorney General of the State and Commissioner for Justice and the state Commissioner of Police for indictment in a case of criminal conduct bordering on Examination Malpractice. Elder Uko who resigned from office to run for the Ibesikpo Asutan State Constituency Seat in the Akwa Ibom State House of Assembly, (AKHA) has been petitioned by Samuel Ikpo and Company, Barristers and Solicitors acting on behalf of their client, Michael Carpus for allegedly being involved in a case of examination malpractice which led to his rustication from the University of Uyo. The petition dated November 4, 2014 a copy of which has been received by the State Chairman of PDP, Obong Paul Ekpo and leaked to our newsroom, the petitioner aversed that, since it has come to their knowledge that, the Party intends to sponsor him for elective office, they maintain that, “in view of the glaring evidence of criminal activity against him for which he will soon be arraigned in court, it is not wise to field a candidate who is on the verge of being tried and convicted by the court consequent upon which the party will risk having no person as candidate to occupy the said elective office. In an annexure attached to the petition, from the office of the Registrar and Secretary of the Senate, University of Uyo, dated January 11, 2011, with reference number, UU/REG/DAA/SNT/I/S.4/Vol.XVII/228 and addressed to one Uko, Aniekan Nyong with registration number, 05/SS/PA/613 and the Acting Head, Department of Political Science and Public Administration, it is stated that, the Senate in its 75th meeting held on Wednesday, December 29, 2010 received and considered a report of examination misconduct in the Faculty of Social Sciences in the Second Semester of 2007/08 academic year, during which the said Aniekan Uko cheated in Pol 327(Public Administration in Nigeria) by copying from the script of Okon, Umoh Gabriel(05/SS/PA/678) during the second semester examination held on 29th October, 2008. Senate viewed the action as a serious breach of rules and regulations of the University governing Examinations and the matriculation oath and consequently approved the rustication from the University for two semesters with effect from the second semester of 2007/2008 academic year of the said Aniekan Uko. The petitioners in a separate petition to the State Police boss, therefore prayed that, the suspect be investigated, prosecuted and brought to justice. The petitioner claims that, the suspect contravened the provisions of the Miscllaneous Offences Act, 1984 chapter M17 sub 16 which covers cheating at examination and prescribes on conviction, a sentence of a term not exceeding ten years imprisonment for the offender. A cross section of constituents of Ibesikpo Asutan who spoke to our reporter said they are aware of such development, and expressed reservation over the character of an intending Lawmaker who has a history of being a cheat, law breaker and lacking in morally uprightness to seek any public office and what that would imply for the State Legislature. Every attempt to reach the IboroAkam Campaign Organization of Hon. Elder Aniekan Uko for comments on this development was unsuccessful as at Press time, as this reporter was told, he, Aniekan Uko has gone into hiding for fear of possible police arrest.
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 11:01:15 +0000

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