• CUT-OFF MARKS, QUOTA SYSTEM, BORN-TO-RULE MENTALITY AND BUHARIS FAILURE TO PRESENT ACADEMIC CERTIFICATE(S). Really strange things happen in this Nation called Nigeria. The worrisome level of Favouritism in Nigeria is the basis for this short write-up. At the Primary School level, while some Nigerian Children are required to score as high as 139!, some only need to score a paltry 2 Marks to gain Admission into the same Federal Unity Schools. Its absurd when you realize that this grave Injustice has been perpetrated for Decades in a Nations that claims to be a religious one. At the Secondary and post-Secondary School level, the Injustice continues, different Scores and different Number of Credits are required depending on which part of the Country you are from, yet we claim to be One United Country. It gets worse when you want to join the Military, Paramilitary or the Public Service in Nigeria. While some section of the Country can easily join these National Organisations #without_Certificates, others are subjected to strenuous hurdles before they can access similar Opportunities. It is not unusual in the Ministries and Parastatals to find a Masters Degree Clerk doing YES SIR! to a Primary School Certificate Director from the favoured part of the Country. You can even find Primary School Certificate Holder Brigadier Generals while B.Sc. Holder Sergeants are struggling to be promoted to Officers Cadre. The list of absurdities goes on... This prejudiced Quota System and Born-to-Rule Mentality has destroyed Meritocracy, so much so that the level of Ones success in Life in Nigeria is determined by where one hails from. If not, How else do we explain a situation where Professor Yemi Osinbajo is made to be a running mate to Buhari instead of the other way round? Professor Yemi Osinbajo is a Honours Graduate of the Prestigious and globally acclaimed London School of Economics and Political Science. Imagine for a moment that Professor Osinbajo is APCs Presidential Candidate rather than being a voiceless, ineffectual second-fiddle to a certificateless, over-hyped and over-promoted soldier Buhari... But Providence has a way of righting Wrongs and correcting Injustices as Buhari (like the DISGRACED former Legislator and Speaker of House of Representatives, Salisu BUHARI) shall soon be disqualified on account of forged and non-existent Academic Certificate(s) to make room for a better Candidate. After all, Why should we settle for less? Why should we succumb to the Born-to-Rule Fascists?? Section 137 (1) (j) CFRN 1999 (as amended) clearly states that: A person shall not be qualified for election to the office of President if: *he has presented a forged certificate to the Independent National Electoral Commission. - Abdul Falade -------------------------------------------------Please Report Any Suspicious Person, Group Or Object(s) To The Law Enforcement Agents, As Doing So Can Help Curb Corruption, Crimes, Destruction Of Properties & Save Lives!!!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:42:03 +0000

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