Called Out! Tea Party CAUSING Taxation Without Representation Via - TopicsExpress


Called Out! Tea Party CAUSING Taxation Without Representation Via Shutdown Everyone has heard the TEA publicans claim that they are the spiritual heirs of the founding fathers who organized and carried out the Boston Tea Party as a protest against taxation without representation. Now they are the ones who have brought us to a point where we are all being taxed without representation due to their Tea Party-sponsored government shutdown. Still they attempt to portray themselves as the heroic defenders of the little guy, modern-day Robin Hoods, even as they promote their agenda to take from the poor and give to the rich. Wouldn’t that be more like Robin Hood in reverse? On Tuesday, the first day of the shutdown, Michele Bachmann and Steve King showed up at the WWII Memorial which was shut down as per the standing contingency plan of the National Park Service, the same plan that was employed in the 1995 and 1996 shutdowns to rail at the President for having “ordered” that Memorial in particular be shut down, with the specific purpose of keeping out Honor Fight veterans. After the vets themselves with help from their aides moved the barricades to enter the Memorial Bachmann quickly tore off a piece of yellow warning tape and declared to the cameras, which she probably had a hand in getting there, that she and King had removed the barricades and “defied” the President to get the vets in. She declared to the veterans themselves, “They’re not going to lock you up, brother! They’re going to have to get through me first!” Beyond the fact that she had nothing to do with them passing the barricades, the shear Chutzpa of this woman, calling men old enough to be her grandfather, and members of the Greatest Generation, “brother” is beyond belief. Not to be left out of the fun and games Representative Randy Neugebauer (R-TX) confronted a Park Ranger who was merely doing her job, screaming at her, “The Park Service should be ashamed of themselves,” as if she was personally responsible for the closure and apparently forgetting that it was he and his fellow TEA publicans who were responsible for the shutdown. Imagine his chagrin when an outraged veteran pointed out to him that it was, in fact, he and his fellows who were responsible for this turn of events. We don’t call these people the Greatest Generation for no reason, they earned the title and still retain that strength of character even though their bodies may have weakened with age. Let’s take a look at what more reasonable voices in Congress have to say about this current state of taxation without representation. Some who previously leaned toward the moderate have dug in their heels and swung back toward the hardline of the far right fringe, like Michael Grimm (R.-S.I.). A former Marine and one time Secret Service Agent he says, “You know what? We’re worse off than we were before. And sure, there’s enough blame to go around on all sides, but when the President calls a meeting and says, ‘It’s my way or the highway’? It’s demeaning to the office and the country.” Actually, Representative Grimm, the blame lies with the TEApublican fringe element of your party, it is they who are insisting that compromise consists of the President acceding to all of their demands. Representative Joe Crowley (D.-Queens) has a much clearer view of what is going on pointing out that, "They (Republicans) have tried to repeal the ACA 47 or 48 times. It’s Einstein’s definition of insanity. You keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. I’ve never seen such abstinence — and Boehner is enabling them.” Representative Peter King (R.-L.I.), a man who pulls his punches for no one on either side of the aisle seems to see it much more clearly than most in his party. He says, “These people (Tea Party Republicans) are nothing but government terrorists! “Look, I’m against Obamacare, but putting 800,000 people out of work? These are Republicans who a month ago said they’d never shut down the government, but the Ted Cruz acolytes threatened that they’d bring down the house and they did! These guys are convinced they’re winning. They’re listening to their own echo chambers.” We do have those in Congress from both sides of the aisle who are not living in their own private dream world and understand that this shutdown is an ill-advised action which violates the principles upon which this country was founded. It does, in fact, result in one of the most egregious complaints of the founders against the British, taxation without representation. It is time to end what never should have begun in the first place. It is time for our Congress men and women to return to doing the job they were hired to do and stop the non stop assault on everything Obama. He is the President and no matter how much they dislike him they are not going to change that, the people have spoken.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Oct 2013 12:53:00 +0000

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