Cancer is a terrible word and it strikes fear in most of us. The - TopicsExpress


Cancer is a terrible word and it strikes fear in most of us. The nice thing is that doTERRA gives us an option to support our bodies so they are able to fight it. Essential Oils & Cancer Please note: The information provided below is a compilation of suggestions made by those that have used essential oils and has NOT been scientifically verified with clinical tests nor reviewed by medical experts. It is anecdota linformation and should be treated as such. For serious medical concerns please seek professional medical attention. Cancer and essential oils Over the past few months, I have been collecting powerful stories of individuals with cancer and their experiences with using essential oils. Because of compliance issues, these have been removed from my blog, but I wanted people to still have access to this information. A story about an individual with terminal liver cancer - from doTERRA Experiences blog I met a woman in Long Beach, and Id like to share her story. Last November, her husband was told to put his affairs in order. His liver cancer had progressed so much so that the tumors were far too large for surgical removal. He was given six months to live. She was introduced to the power of doTERRAs frankincense shortly following the diagnosis. He applied it topically over his liver and under his tongue daily. On their next visit with his physician, they discovered his tumors were miraculously shrinking. They continued using frankincense. In April, his tumors had shrunk so much so that his physician agreed to surgery. The tumors were removed, taking 3/4 of his liver. Today, he is cancer free and enjoying life with his beautiful wife and family. Bebes story about her mother with Stage 4 cancer Bebes mom had cancer in her lungs, and it spread to her spine, her bones, her ribs, her shoulders, her hips and her pelvis. After starting doTERRA oils, four months later, she was thriving and her cancer was rapidly dying. She was back home and gardening and planning on going on vacation. Seven months after being told by the doctors that she was would die from her stage 4 cancer, the doctors say that she is cancer-free. Bebe recommends: Frankincense : take liberally every 2-3 hours, both topically over affected areas and the bottom of the feet. If you can put numerous drops under the tongue, even better (was using 1/2 bottle a week in the beginning, now one bottle a month); DDR Prime: 6-8 capsules a day (split up during all meals); this is approx. 3-4 bottles a month. DDR Prime helps to repair / protect DNA (or destroy damaged DNA). Lifelong Vitality Supplements - loaded with vitamins, nutrients which give us cellular energy, omegas, anti-inflammatory, and so much more. Take full dose at minimum a day. For pain she used the wintergreen oil diluted with coconut oil topically over the painful area. Five year old with brain cancer Read an amazing story about a five year old with brain cancer and how one drop of frankincense , alternated with one drop of sandalwood applied to the bottom of her feet, along with lavender applied to her wrist helped. The full story is here. Bone Marrow Cancer Ellen was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer and polyscithemiarubravera. After 3 months my blood tests are showing massive improvements placing most markers into the normal range! I have not had to do 2 of the last 3 phlebotomies that I was having every 2 weeks and are now every month or longer! I am feeling like a million dollars and no longer look like I am at deaths door! Do these oils and have faith that this will work. It does. Her protocol (which was given to her by Dr. Hill): 5 drops of Lemongrass in a capsule everyday. 2 drops of Frankincense under her tongue every 3 hours all day long. GX Assist & PB Assist detox (plans to do 3 rounds total). DDR Prime daily morning and evening usually with meals Life Long Vitality supplements. Morning and Evening: On Guard, Balance, and Serenity on bottoms of her feet. Puts On Guard on her neck several times a day. Adds 2-3 drops of lemon to her water all day long. Receives 4 Aroma Touch Technique applications a week. Breast Cancer Story - From Everyday in Every Way I used frankincense to shrink a breast cancer tumor. When I went for surgery, they couldnt find any trace of cancer! *** Cervical Cancer Story - a FB post on doTERRA Diamond Clubs page My good friend just called to tell me that she found out that her sisters cervical cancer came back for the 2nd time. She was scheduled today to have her uterus removed. When she found out, she sent her sister the DDR prime, LLV, wintergreen and frankincense. She instructed her mother to make sure she took 6 DDR everyday along with the taking the normal dosage of LLV. Apply the wintergreen and frankincense on the bottoms of feet every 3 to 4 hours for the pain along with applying directly on her abdomen. Her sister had run out of the DDR and had gone 6 days without it and when Silvia found out, she sent her sister 2 more bottles of DDR right away. Then she had her sister start taking 8 a day. A week ago, the cancer cells were still showing up in her blood work. Today [less than a month after first starting the oils] was her surgery to remove her uterus removed and they couldnt find any Cancer. Hallelujah! Praise God for these amazing products!- Bernie Leukemia My brothers son, who had a second reccurence of leukemia... was taking [doTERRA] essential oils as well as the chemo & went into remission much quicker than the doctor had advised, and didnt have any of the nasty side-effects. - Jacqui Throat cancer Story - From doTERRA Lifes blog: My moms dear friend has been battling throat cancer that was spreading to other areas of his body. Last October, he started using the oils! Frankincense and the Vitamin Pack (i.e., Life Long Vitality supplements) and a few others. Today he went from an MRI and he was given a true miracle... He is cancer free! Thank you, God ~ Amen! - Lorie Pancreatic Cancer Story A friend had pancreatic cancer and was given 3-4 weeks. He did the following, 3 drops frankincense, 1 drop each lemongrass, lavender, peppermint, sandalwood and On Guard 3 times a day and 2 DDR Prime 2 times a day. He is now cancer free... Its been 8 months now. - Marilyn Prostrate Cancer Story - From Everyday in Every Way This morning I got a call from a good friend of ours who has been battling prostate cancer. For the last 3-4 months, he has been doing the Lifelong Vitality and DDR Prime. Today he called to say that at his doctor appointment yesterday, he was told that he is cancer free! Basal cell Cancer Story - From Jennifer Accomandos website: My friends dad had Basal cell cancer on his nose. It had gone through the thickness of his nostril and the oncologist wanted to remove a big section of the nostril, down to his upper lip and over a finger width into his cheek, by the time he contacted me. I hadn’t worked with cancer before with the oils and wanted to help as much as possible. I used the cancer protocol of 80 drops of both Frankincense and Citrus Bliss, and 48 drops each of Clove, Lavender and thyme. I suggested he take 19 drops in 2 caps 2 times/day and apply some to the area as he felt needed. He said he did that 2 – 3 times/day. He also went on the Life Long Vitality supplements, eliminated sugar from his diet, increased water intake, ate more raw foods and believed he could beat this. Within a couple weeks it appeared closed, another week and the weeping stopped completely and the redness around the area started lightening. After six weeks, that side of his nose looked healthier than the other uneffected side!! That was 15 months ago and he has had no signs of it coming back. From Jennifer Accomandos website “I went for a routine eye exam in Feb 2013. The Dr told me the growth over my eye is what I had suspected a form of skin cancer: basil cell carcinoma. Yikes! One year prior to that eye exam I was at the Dermatologist office to have a few suspicious spots removed from my face, neck and back. Having gone through that invasive experience lead me to ask is there a safer way to remove this spot (mind you this spot is right above my eye). I had been around essential oils for about 11 months and used it for things such as minor cuts, burns; even to freshen breathe and drink in my water. I did a bit of reading about essential oil use for skin cancer and it seemed less invasive than dermatologist plus I did not have to miss time from work. So I got a bottle of Frankincense and applied it as recommended topically 3 times a day and did 2 drops under my tongue morning and night. The first week no real significant change just a tingling sensation in that area after applying topically and taking it internally. The second week I did notice it getting smaller. During the third week the spot started to ooze a bit but it was getting smaller. The fourth week is when it seemed to IMPLODE on itself and oozed more but still it was getting smaller. The fifth week it was much, much smaller and formed a scab. Week six the scab fell off while washing my face and was the size of a tiny whitehead. In 6 weeks a gigantic spot was reduced to the size of a pin head all from applying and ingesting an essential oil – Frankincense. I was ASTOUNDED, AMAZED & THRILLED!!!! Essential oils worked for me!!!”- Dan Skin Cancer Story - From Essential Oil Healing Went to the Dr. today, three weeks ago he told me I had a lesion on my eye brow that was possible cancer. He told me he’d look at it in 2 weeks and to keep my hands off of it. Today is 3 weeks and there is no sign of it at all, I used theSandalwood on it am and pm. Melanoma I applied frankincense morning and night and covered with a band aid. In 3 days the mole had shrunk. Day 5 it bled a little and half fell off. Day 7, gone! I had a little bit of pink skin and I worried it was a scar. A few days later, totally gone! - Amber *** My husband had a stage 4 malignant melanoma removed last year from his back...another melanoma came up on his nose...before we started using essential oils we did radiation on that one. It has since grown back...and we have since become educated using essential oils. He started using lavender frankincence, and Immortelle on the melanoma and it is SHRINKING!-Jennifer Soft Tissue Sarcoma I had started taking DDR Prime last year when it came out, and took 2 capsules a day, along with the Life Long Vitality supplements. I had started puttingFrankincense and DDR prime on the cyst topically every day at least once a day when I first discovered it. Thought it would shrink it and it would go away. Well it didnt. In fact in started to get bigger and started to hurt if I bumped that area... Well, praise the Lord! It was encapsulated. After two MRIs and a full body CT scan, they could not find any other cancer cells in my body. A re-section, wide margin surgery was performed August 28th. and there was no cancer left in there and they took out the lymph nodes.-Jan Read Jans entire story here. Cancer Story - From Diary of a doTERRA Skeptic I have another similar story from my friend.. his dad recently went in for surgery to cut out some cancer,.. when his dad was diagnosed with cancer he gave him a bunch of oils and supplements to use: LLV, DDR Prime, Frankincense and some others to apply regularly. The doctors initial diagnosis was that there was a lot of cancerous tissue, and they werent sure what they would find when they opened him up. After a month or so of taking all of these oils and supplements, he went in for his surgery...and came out 45 minutes later. The doctors removed a small tumor, and they said it was much smaller than they had anticipated. There wasnt much else they had to do, though, and now his father is recovering quickly. For more stories, click on Liz Petersons post here. Stories include ovarian cancer, stomach cancer and colon cancer; prostrate and intestinal cancer; bone marrow and blood cancer; stage IV metastasized prostrate cancer; and others. For more stories about frankincense and cancer, click here. The most common recommendations for individuals with cancer: Life Long Vitality supplements--daily (A2Z chewables for a child--3 1/2s per day, and IQ Mega) DDR Prime--6 to 8 capsules a day. Frankincense--topically and applied frequently, every 2 or maybe 3 hours, to the bottom of the feet, the spine, and wherever else seems appropriate to the type of cancer (breast, brain, lung, liver, etc.). We metabolize the oils quickly, so frequent application is important when dealing with a current tumor. You can also use the reflexology charts in the Modern Essentials book to find additional appropriate placement--lots of frankincense! Also: Lemon in your drinking water throughout the day Lemongrass or other oils topically (after frankincense) AromaTouch Technique 3 or 4 times a week Essential Oil Recommendations doTERRA Life recommends for all individuals with cancer: Swallow 4-5 drops each of Frankincense Oil, Sandalwood Oil, and Rosemary Oil in a capsule 1-2 times daily. Rub Balance Oil Blend on bottoms of the feet, nightly. doTERRA Life also recommends additional oils depending on the type of cancer. Read this very informative blog post here. AromaTouch Technique The AromaTouch Technique is recommended for individuals with cancer, or the following spine treatment 1-4 times a week. First apply fractionated coconut oil along the length of the spine. Then drop any one or all of the following dōTERRA essential oils down the spine: Oregano Thyme Basil Clove Frankincense Rosemary Marjoram Aroma touch Peppermint (always end with Peppermint) Also read these recommendations for individuals with cancer from Everything Essential and protocol.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 18:54:27 +0000

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