Can’t rule out attack on Yyatra by agencies: - TopicsExpress


Can’t rule out attack on Yyatra by agencies: Geelani ‘Kashmiris Have Facilitated Smooth Pilgrimage For Decades’ Shabeer Ahmad Srinagar, June 20: Chairman of Hurriyat Conference (G) Syed Ali Shah Geelani on Thursday termed ‘Operation Shiva’ as part of a conspiracy to ‘defame’ ongoing movement of Kashmiris at international level and maintained that he cannot rule out attacks on Amarnath pilgrims by the Indian intelligence agencies. Geelani accused the Army and other security and intelligence agencies of being involved in many incidents including Chattisinghpora massacre and abduction of foreign tourists in 1995 ‘aimed to defame ongoing movement in Kashmir.’ He said for last over 150 years, Amarnath Yatra was being conducted with religious fervor in Kashmir. “Kashmiris have been smoothly facilitating the Yatra. This is a unique example of communal harmony and brotherhood in the world. Even during economic blockade enforced by communal forces against Kashmiris in 2008, people of Kashmir organized langars for Yatris when their own children were deprived of milk and food. So there is no question of any threat to the Yatris,” he said while addressing a press conference here. “Army is creating fear and confusion to defame ongoing movement. 36 Sikhs were massacred in Chattisinghpora on March 20, 2000 during the visit of then US president Bill Clinton to India. This was done to give communal color to movement of Kashmiris for right to self-determination. Later five Kashmiris were blamed for the massacre and labeled as militants. They were killed in a fake encounter and when people protested against it eight more persons fell to bullets of forces. 48 innocent people were killed in this whole drama staged by Indian intelligence agencies,” Geelani said. “Even foreign tourists were abducted in Pahalgam and later militants were blamed for it, but a book (Meadows) points towards involvement of security agencies in it. In the backdrop of these incidents, I cannot rule out similar conspiracy being hatched for Amarnath Yatra by these agencies to defame the ongoing movement of Kashmiris,” Geelani said. Geelani also stressed for restricting the number of Amarnath pilgrims on the pattern of Gangotri. “It is estimated over nine lakh pilgrims would visit Amarnath during the 55- day pilgrimage. This would prove detrimental for fragile eco-system of the area. I demand that the number of pilgrims should be restricted to 150 per day on Gangotri pattern,” he said. Pertinently, as per a notification issued in May 2008, the Uttarakhand Government while imposing restrictions on pilgrims, tourists and trekkers visiting Gangotri and Goumukh area of Gangotri National Park, directed that only 150 tourists (potters included) will be permitted to visit Goumukh every day. It also banned movement of mules and horses inside Gangotri National Park while declaring 500 meter prior to Goumukh glacier as restricted area. Geelani in his press conference today reiterated his longstanding demand to hand-over the affairs of Amaranth Yatra to Kashmiri Pandits. “Yatra is a religious affair and it should be kept away from politics,” he added. Geelani called for complete shutdown on the visit of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to Kashmir on June 25 “to remind him of unfulfilled promise” of New Delhi of providing right to self-determination to Kashmiris. “The shutdown is against the denial of inalienable right of self-determination to Kashmiris, snatching of political space for separatists, suppression of the aspirations of Kashmiris by military might, false threat perception to Amarnath Yatra and to press for return of mortal remains of Muhammad Maqbool Bhat and Muhammad Afzal Guru,” Geelani said. He said Kashmiris have been denied right to self-determination since 1947. “Indian leadership had promised this inalienable right to Kashmiris. It also took Kashmir dispute to the United Nations which passed 18 resolutions guaranteeing the right to self determination to people of Jammu and Kashmir but India still denies this right to Kashmiris,” he said. Geelani said even the then Home Minister P Chidambaram in 2010 had stated that Kashmir problem is about broken promises. “Kashmiris have been peacefully struggling for right to self-determination. Since 1947, over six lakh Kashmiris have sacrificed their lives for this right but India is using oppressive tactics to muzzle the voice of Kashmiris. On his visit to Kashmir, I want to remind Indian Prime Minister that he is legally and morally bound to provide this right to Kashmiris,” he said. Geelani said economic packages and developmental activities can’t be substitute to right to self-determination. “Even the British during their rule constructed landmark buildings in India, many of them still famous, but people of India fought for their independence and achieved it,” he said. Geelani said the ongoing movement has transferred to younger generation. “Even young graduates have courageously displayed their sentiments during visits of Indian politicians, legal luminaries and bureaucrats to Kashmir University. You can’t use scholarship schemes like Umeed and Himayat as bait to sway them away from the ongoing movement,” he said. Geelani said since the hanging of Afzal Guru in Tihar on February 9, New Delhi and State government ‘have unleashed reign of terror in Kashmir.’ “Post Afzal hanging hundreds of youth have been implicated in frivolous cases. 48 Kashmiris detainees have been awarded life sentence besides 98 persons were booked under Public Safety Act (PSA). Many separatist leaders including Muhammad Qasim Faktoo are repeatedly booked under PSA. Pro-freedom leaders are not even allowed to distribute relief in quake hit Chenab Valley. This is sheer oppression against Kashmiris,” said Geelani who is under continuous house-arrest post Afzal Guru’s hanging. “The state government is trying to hoodwink people about revocation of draconian AFSPA which gives unbridled powers to forces in Kashmir. PSA is a state law and the government can easily get it revoked but it is being used as a tool of suppression,” he said. Geelani said after New Delhi hanged Afzal Guru “just to satisfy the collective conscience of its people in violation of all norms,” Kashmiris have been demanding return of Maqbool Bhat and Afzal Guru’s mortal remains. “Guru was neither given a fair trial nor a chance to meet his family for last time. We demand return of their mortal remains,” he said.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 23:55:16 +0000

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