Capitalism is the highest state of human civilization and economic - TopicsExpress


Capitalism is the highest state of human civilization and economic life that humanity has created. Is it flawed? Yes, as flawed as the human beings that must make it work. It is not the product of design, it necessitates no leader trying to fundamentally alter it to make it better. It necessitates no grand plan to redistribute anything as things are earned in capitalism. It rejects the idea that government intervention can improve it. Those who proclaim the wonders of intervention are either tools of the Great Lie or its agents. Capitalism is liberty in action. The post-Marxist left does not want to be called socialist because they have found a clever way of undermining the market economy by chipping at it while professing allegiance to it. At the heart of the new lefts approach is identity politics. Their atavism and tribalism must divide people into antagonistic groups: black vs. white, poor versus rich. It is a way of undermining the very heart of capitalism which is not profit but voluntary social cooperation. Socialist cooperation is a lie as it is based on conformity to a set of values imposed on society by elites, vanguards that think they have a great plan to fundamentally transform our society. They see no problem in imposing things because they are convinced of their own superior enlightenment. They miss the truth that capitalist competition is not antagonistic to cooperation but instead the most efficient form of cooperation, the kind that motivates and effects production and mutual benefit. The socialist wants to confiscate and re-distribute and the capitalist wants to promote liberty and the production of wealth. That is why the greatest benefactor of the poor in the last 200 years is capitalism.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 05:58:21 +0000

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