Catholicism It is often very difficult to prove God’s love to - TopicsExpress


Catholicism It is often very difficult to prove God’s love to people. Whenever we tell them the truth for their own good, they get angry, and take us for enemies. Several times I was nearly lynched by the Catholics, for having tried to save them. Let me give you an example. I was invited to lecture at an American university. The audience was predominantly Catholic. Because of the love I had for them, I explained to them point by point the skids of Catholicism. I told them that Catholicism has never been a church, and that it was indeed the largest sect in the world. I told them that the man they abusively called holy father, was only a demon that would burn in Hell in the coming days. At that time Pope John Paul II was still alive. I told them that Hell awaited John Paul II, and that he would not escape. While I was teaching, people gnashed their teeth in the hall. And as they were mostly intellectuals and academics, they could not accept that their pride be hurt to this point. You know that most intellectuals are full of themselves that they consider themselves to be either small gods or God’s junior brothers in terms of knowledge. They always think they know everything, and do not imagine that one can teach them anything. I told them I was shocked to see big scholars, with PhD, Masters and others, being incapable of understanding the basics. I took time to explain how this notion of the Virgin Mary was a great idiocy. I stripped before their very eyes, with the Bible in hand, the doctrine of the Catholic sect of all its substance. While some were struck by the wisdom and authority with which I was teaching, because no one had ever dared to speak to them that way before, others were red with anger, and were ready to explode like bombs. The atmosphere in the hall was overheated. There were some who began to grumble in the hall, saying that they had not invited me to come and insult them. I told them I had nothing to benefit from insulting them, and that I was just trying to tell them the truth, for their own good. I told them that even if I had lost my mind, I would not take the risk of travelling over 10,000 kilometres, with all that it cost me, just to come and insult them. Some understood and calmed down, while others kept on behaving like mad dogs. Finally the hall was divided into two blocks. On the one hand the block of those who had had the humility to recognize that what I had taught them could not be more compelling, and the block of those who would not understand anything, and who had only one language: We did not invite him to come and insult us. Once I realized that the point on which many clung to fidget was the fact that they had not invited me to come and insult them, I stopped them, and asked them this question: How much have you spent on my flight ticket, my hotel expenses, and other travel expenses in the city? Following my question, they all became calmer and began wondering. Many of them did not even know that I personally took care of my flight ticket, and of all my expenses, and that I had not received anything from any of them. They were puzzled. I then told them that I would be mentally ill, if I paid a ticket for several hundred dollars, with all other costs, modified my program, while taking the risk of a possible plane crash, and travelled over nearly 10,000 kilometres, just to insult people. To this, the differences in opinions increased in the hall. Those who had the courage to recognize the truth were sharply opposed to the agents of satan who wanted to fight with me despite all the explanations. The atmosphere was so electric that they had to escort me out of the hall under protection. Behind me, the two blocks remained in the hall for hours bickering. Let me seize this opportunity to remind you that whenever I am invited to give lectures, I refuse that my expenses are borne by those who invite me. And I do not even accept donations from them. It is to avoid diluting the message God is asking me to give that I do so. This position allows me to preach and teach freely, without being answerable to anyone. Also, whenever there is at least a small place in a brother’s house or someone hospitable, I prefer to manage that place, rather than going to a hotel as a worldly person. Remember that we must find ourselves in hotels only when we have no other choice, and not by lust and love of the world. To end this chapter on Catholicism, I would like to remind you that it is not only John Paul II who is in Hell. All popes, cardinals, Catholic priests and all Catholics who die without accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, go straight to Hell. So if you are still Catholic, know that if you do not renounce Catholicism now, and do not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Saviour, you will spend eternity in Hell. Catholicism is not a church. It is the largest satanic cult in the world. You cannot go through it, and be saved. And you cannot remain there, and escape Hell. If you want to be saved, you must get out of there, accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, and be baptized in water for the remission of sins. It is only by so doing that you can be saved.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:53:48 +0000

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