Challenged, I was. By Jeremiah Bohn, to list 10 books that have - TopicsExpress


Challenged, I was. By Jeremiah Bohn, to list 10 books that have stayed with me, and I’m taking that a bit literally. Every title on my list in on my shelf, and all have been through many years, and almost as many moves. So, in no particular order: 1: An Incomplete Education, Judy Jones and Wm Wilson; Basically, all the information you would be expected to know, had you (or in this case, I) actually completed a four year degree program at a good Liberal Arts College. History, World and Art, American Studies, Political Science, Philosophy, Music, twelve chapters in all, with a lexicon and an index. I still pull it down on occasion, and pick a chapter to re-read. 2: Foundation Trilogy, Isaac Asimov; The Future History of the Galactic Empire, Hari Seldon, and the Second Foundation. Actually a trilogy, and science fiction written by a scientist, it tells a story of politics and war on a scale of galaxies and centuries, with just enough pulp action and suspense. 3: All the Presidents Men, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein; Greed and Power, cynicism and corruption, the first time I was politically active, I worked for Richard Nixon in ’68. Now I know that Watergate wasn’t even the worst of it, he was a Traitor as well. A great mystery story, and a cautionary tale to those who think a Free Press isn’t important. 4: Ball Four, Jim Boudon. In 1969, Jim Boudon was a 31 year old screw-ball pitcher for expansion Seattle with a burned-out arm, trying to hang on to the game, if not his glory days as a Yankee ace. This is the story of one summer when the game was SO much different; most players had off-season jobs, most teams flew regular airlines… coach, and the drug weren’t for performance enhancement, but rather greenies (speed), to get you through the pain and fatigue, or at least your hang-over. Raucous fun, not for the prim and proper. 5: Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkein; My paperback copy finally dis-integrated, so I jumped when my local bookstore had a leather-bound copy someone had ordered, but never picked up, and cheap! I’m sure I’ve read this story over a dozen times, but I still enjoy reading it. 6: Assignment Nor’ Dyen, Sydney Van Scyoc; Not a prolific author, I’ve never read another of her books, but this one has been a favorite for over 40 years. She quite writing to make and sell jewelry, and now has retired to garden. I like her! 7: Stranger in a strange land, Robert Heinlein; One of my favorite authors, and a masterwork of fiction. You can’t imagine what this did to that fragile mind, in the middle of the corn fields, when I first read it at 15. Homophobia, misogyny, xenophobia, all concepts I learned to despise, and that all started with this book. Heinlein was a bit out there, but I must own 20 of his titles. 8: Animal Farm, George Orwell; First Among Equals, enough said. My introduction to politics, and political thought. 9: Speaker for the Dead, Orson Scott Card; The final book of the Enders Game trilogy, it introduced me to two new thoughts; that all life in the Universe is connected by an energy field that is constantly in flux and flowing, and the Speaker for the Dead. After your passing, an out-sider comes to your community, talks to your friends, your family, neighbors, work, even enemies. And only after they were satisfied that they knew that souls story, was a service held, and the truth of that persons life, good, bad, ugly, were told. I always thought, perhaps we’d act better towards each other, if we practiced that. and finally, 10: The Authoritative Calvin and Hobbes, Bill Waterson, Named after a French Theologian and cleric, who was a leader of the Reform Movement that broke from the Catholic Church and introduced Humanism, and an English political philosopher who introduced social contract theory and liberalism, these two are my Id and Ego. The story of a boy and his stuffed Tiger, who just happens to be ALIVE! Calvinball, anyone?! And now, Todd Kendall Gregory-Downs, Kathryn Nichols, Andy Anda, Ive shown you mine, now show me yours. Wait, why does that sound SO familiar?!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 05:23:18 +0000

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