Chapter 2 The next morning we were up bright and early. We - TopicsExpress


Chapter 2 The next morning we were up bright and early. We swung by the hospital and the doctors told us that big mama was due for surgery tomorrow because a heart became available this morning and its coming from another state. We laughed and conversed with daddy Charles for a while and then kissed big Mama then we left for Roys house. He was up taking his meds when we arrived. We sat in front of his desk in his office and he started running everything down to us. After six long hours of numbers, bank statements, deeds, and all kinds of other stuff, we went downstairs and sat at a huge dining room table and waited for the cooks to bring out our lunch. We werent dealers we were suppliers. Major drug dealers come to us for their annual supply which was cool because we wouldnt be on the streets. After lunch we went swimming in the backyard while Roy just floated on his inflatable chair. We rushed up behind him and knocked him into the water and he laughed so hard. It was amazing seeing him smile through all of the pain that he was feeling on a daily basis, I could tell he was enjoying us and he really put it in his head that we were his children and we were perfectly cool with that. We left his house and went straight back to the hospital. He hated to see is go, he just stood at the front door until we disappeared. Mama was doing so great and all she had to do was hang in there until morning. We didnt want to stay too long because she needed plenty of rest. We went home and talked about our session with Roy this morning and we were so happy that our training was going so well. We had a while before we actually started working so all he was doing so far was spoiling us. We all had the same birthdays and it was a week away and we didnt know what we were going to do. Some foster parents like it that way because one birthday party a year was way cheaper than 5. School was a drag but there was no sense in us getting lazy now and as soon as the bell rang we rushed to the hospital to see big mama and she was still in recovery but doing very well. Her vitals were flawless and she was breathing on her own again and would be home soon. My phone rang and I stepped out to answer. It was Roy. He said hey sweetheart I heard big Mama is recovering well Im glad to hear that. I told him how good she looked and then he said well I know that tomorrow is yall birthday and I wanted to know if yall were afraid of flying. My jaw dropped and I quickly said no were not afraid at all. He said well while big mama is still recovering I wanted to take you guys on a quick trip for your birthdays. When we got off of the phone I told the girls and they were ecstatic. Daddy Charles was hesitant until Roy came down to the hospital and met him. We were even more surprised to find out that his ex wife would also be joining us and I hope this meant that theyd reconcile. We boarded a beautiful G5 and fell asleep almost right after we got into the air. Roy wouldnt tell us where we were going because he was determined to surprise us. Once we got there Hours later he shook our legs and told us to wake up and grab our purses. The baggage handlers were already grabbing our things and Roy escorted us off of the plane and said Ladies, welcome to Dubai. We stood there in silence taking in the view and all of a sudden we were screaming and hugging each other. I always dreamt of visiting this place but it never occurred to me that I would be here at 16 years old. We got into a limo and took off to a gorgeous hotel. Roy got out and made sure we got settled in and had us escorted down to the spa while he met with some people to handle some business. We were worried when it took him hours to get back and when he did he went straight to the bathroom. I followed him to see what had happened because he looked disturbed so I looked through the cracked door and as he was pulling off his shirt I saw a long bloody scar going down his back. I gasped and he jumped and pulled me in. He told me not to say anything to anyone about it and I promised him I wouldnt. I helped him clean up and grabbed him a new shirt. We were almost done when Taylor stuck her head in and said is everything okay? I said yeah he felt dizzy and needed my help. She told us that dinner was ready and we all went to the dining area downstairs. Connie, his ex wife hugged him and said I got a little worried are you okay? He nodded his head and smiled at her then we all ate, watched some movies and went to bed. The next day we all got dolled up and headed out for some Dubai shopping. Our birthday weekend was getting better and better but I was still mad at Roy for not telling me what happened to him and he could tell. We saw just about everything Dubai had to offer and soon after that Roy took us to a very beautiful jewelry store. Once we were inside, he grabbed a ring from the fancy dressed store owner and got down on one knee and asked Connie to marry him again. We were in shock, especially her, but when she said yes we all applauded and cheered. On the plane back to America I just stared out of the window while everyone else slept. Roy came and sat next to me and said youre not going to cut me any slack on this one are you? I looked at him and then back out of the window. He sighed and said look I got into it with the competition and they roughed me up. He told me that a guy named Big Meek was trying to put him out of business so he could take over California. I needed to know this since I was next in line for this lifestyle and from the sound of it big meek was going to be a problem. We got right to work once we landed. Big Mama was still getting better by the day and was so happy to see us back home. Daddy Charles took us to get our drivers licenses because Roy bought all 5 of us cars. We were the only kids at our school pushing foreign whips and all the guys wanted us. Roy sent me to pick up a package (money) from a guy named Clarence and lord have mercy the man was gorgeous. He was Morris Chestnuts twin!! He was sitting behind his desk with his shirt halfway buttoned and his phone up to his ear. He was so damn beautiful. When he saw me he stared with his mouth open and then said can I help you? I told him that Roy sent me and he said oh okay are you his woman or something? I said no hes more like my father. He handed me the package, I put it in my purse then as I turned to leave he said I dont want to come off too forward or anything but Id really like to take you out some time. I smiled and said well see. When I got back to Roy he was smiling when I walked into his office. I already knew that Clarence had called him but I had more work to do and so did the girls. Autumn stopped by and said she had met someone and wanted to know if she could have the rest of the day off. Roy and I looked at each other and laughed. She said oh so yall dont believe me? Still laughing we both said No. She said yall make me sick Im out and went off to enjoy the rest of her day. She was always the quiet type and she never gave any guy a chance at all but I guess she found her match finally. He began coughing really hard so I got him a glass of water and some pain pills. I told him to try chemotherapy at least one more time because it was crazy to just give up and let himself die. The girls and I were doing great and chemo was really helping Roy get better and better. Before we knew it 3 years had gone by and he was still here with us and so was big mama. Roy and Connie got married two years ago and decided to move into her house. He gave me and my sisters the mansion and we bought big mama and daddy Charles a house down the street from us. We were called in to see Roy about some real important business and I already had a feeling what it was. He said Joseline, yall are ready, you are the boss now and the rest of you are the senior partners. I nodded my head as the girls high five each other and when I got back to my office to make a business call out to Cuba someone walked in escorted by my body guards. I was still on the phone and when I turned my chair around to hang up my jaw hit the floor. Standing before me was my first real test and I couldnt believe my eyes...... To be continued...........
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 19:06:24 +0000

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