Chapter 6 Valerie had gone to the morgue later that day. She - TopicsExpress


Chapter 6 Valerie had gone to the morgue later that day. She had glanced at the body and just nodded. Selvan had agreed that it was Michael, although there was barely anything to identify him by, except his clothes. Selvan had taken Michael as his son, and was visibly shaken. The mortician didnt bandy about, and all the paperwork had been filled expediently. It had been a busy week, and bodies were piling up. Valerie and Selvan drove back in Selvans blue toyota corolla, in silence. Selvan glanced at Valerie. He had taken her to be his own daughter after her parents had died. She was already 22, and had seen so much death. Her eyes were rimmed red, and she was tense. Her hand gripped her phone tightly, as if awaiting an urgent call. Im sorry Val.. Its okay mosa, Valerie cut him off, Whats done is done. And she continued staring at the window. Selvan was a man of few words. Silence resumed, except for the intermittent puttering of the old engine. Emotional conversations werent his forte. When she returned Valerie ignored the crowd and headed straight to Michaels room shutting herself in. She was angry. He had not contacted her yet. She had just helped fake Michaels death, and somebody was lying dead on a slab. She had to find answers and she needed them now. The room was tidy and the bed neatly made. The walls were void of posters, except for a glass exhibit of pinned insects with their biological names tagged underneath. She shuddered. Valerie had always hated that thing. Michael had always been OCD with his room. It wasnt unusual to find him awake at 3 in the morning reorganizing. She peered under the bed. Nothing, not even a speck of dust. She opened the large wardrobe. He had kept some boxes at the bottom. The first box held an array of computer equipment, and outdated devices. The second box held some family photo albums. She was about to give up, when she saw a third box. She might have missed it. It was a small square fitted into the extreme back corner of the cupboard. The box was black and covered with an old jacket he never wore. She placed it on the bed. Valerie hesitated for a second. She had never invaded Michaels privacy like this before. Valerie carefully open the box, making sure not to damage it. She leapt back in horror. Inside the box was a human skull. Meticulously polished and cleaned to the bone. A tag was stuck to the top. For mum, dad and Milli. Valerie was frozen. Just then her phone buzzed. Michael was calling.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 10:13:42 +0000

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