Chapter ONE College Brings New Experiences I earned my Masters - TopicsExpress


Chapter ONE College Brings New Experiences I earned my Masters Degree in the first semester of my colligate life. Okay I can sense that most of you are rolling your eyes and saying something like, ‘My oh my, doesn’t he have a high opinion of his intellect.’ Well let me try to explain that a little better. I am using the term ‘Masters Degree’ in a little different way than perhaps you are thinking. Okay, now I probably have you all confused, so let me just stop here and tell you my story from the beginning. I turned eighteen two months after I graduated high school and just a month before I headed off to college. This would be the first time that I would really away from home for more then a week or two on my own. Suffice it to say, I wasn’t a very experienced person in any of the ways of life. I was excited about getting out into the world, into a big city, and to start to finally experience all the things I had either read about or heard stories about from others. The college I choose, well they choose me really, I had received a full two year scholarship, encouraged the incoming freshmen to arrive three weeks early so that they could tour the facilities and get to know the city and the way things worked. I was more than happy to get out of my little home town and get on with this next stage of my life. I arrived at the dorms midmorning on Monday and quickly learned I would be in a dorm room on the third floor. I would be sharing the room with two other young men, one was another freshman who would be arriving the same day, and the other one was a Junior would wouldn’t be arriving until a day or two before classes started. The lady at the dorm offices led my up the stairwell to the third floor and walked me to my room. After letting me in she handed me the door key and told me to get settled in and she would return later with the appropriate maps and papers that coincided with my class schedule. I thanked her and she left closing the door behind her. The room was small, but spacious enough for three people. There was a bed along the right wall, another along the left wall and the third bed was along the far wall between the other two. There was a small desk at the head of each bed and a dresser at the foot of each bed. In one corner was a small kitchenette and the there was a small sofa and three comfortable looking chairs and a couple of tables in the center of the room. I looked over the beds and opted for the one on the right. It was closest to a window and since the center bed was already made up and tagged, I figured the junior had reserved that one from the previous year. I dropped my bags on the desk by the bed. I noticed the package of linens and towels on the bed. Oh great I thought, I guess I have to make my own bed from now on, moms not gonna be here to do that anymore. I neatly made the bed and sat down on it and looked around the room. I got up and opened the only other door in the room except for the door I had entered. It was the bathroom. It was rather spacious. A large tub, plus a separate shower stall. It had a double sink and a toilet off in the corner behind a half wall. There were three small cabinets on the wall, each with its own key still in the keyhole. I choose the first one and opened it, to my surprise it was filled with all the toiletries one would need. I closed the door and turned the key and removed it and slipped it into my pocket. I took a quick piss and went back out into the main room. I started to unpack my bags and was putting things into the dresser when there was a knock on the door. “Come in.” I called out. It was the same nice lady that led me to the room. “Toby,” She began as she motioned to the young man beside her. “This is Jake; he will be your roommate this year along with Benjamin. Jake here is a freshman just like you; while Benjamin is a junior who you will meet I’m guessing in a couple weeks.” “Hi Jake, nice to meet you.” I said as I walked across the room, hand extended. “Same here Toby.” He replied. “Well I’ll let you guys get acquainted and settled in,” She said as she turned to leave. “Any problems or questions just come downstairs and see me. Good luck guys.” “Thanks, have a nice day.” I replied as she walked out and closed the door. “So where are you from?” Jake asked me. “Medford Minnesota,” I answered. “I’m sure you’ve never heard of it, it’s a small town in the middle of the state. So how about you?” “I’m from Houston Texas,” he replied, then added jokingly. “Ever hear of it?” “Yeah, I think I have.” I laughed. “So, uh, well I don’t know what else to say, not use to meeting new people yet.” “Yeah me neither,” Jake said as he dropped his bags on the bed against the far wall. “So when did you get here?” “About an hour ago I guess.” “So what are your plans for today?” “I thought I would check out the buildings on the quad and see if I can follow these maps they gave me.” “Cool,” Jake answered. “I think I’ll just stay here and chill out for the day and start out checking things out tomorrow.” He turned to his bags and began unpacking and then added politely. “Unless you want company on your walk around?” “Thanks for asking, but I think I’d rather check it out alone today, see if I get lost or not.” I laughed. I pulled out my cell phone. “Let’s exchange numbers in case I change my mind.” “Or you get lost?” Jake laughed. “Yeah,” I answered jokingly. “Plus as roommates we should probably have each others number anyway.” We exchanged numbers and he went back to unpacking. “So I’m gonna hit the shower before I leave, you need to use the bathroom before I go in?” “Oh yeah,” Jake said. “The joy of a shared bathroom, thanks for asking, I actually do by the way.” Jake went into the bathroom and closed the door. I don’t really remember why I did this, but I did. While Jake was in the bathroom I set my camera up on my dresser and looked through the viewfinder and moved it around until it was viewing most of the room. I plugged it into my computer and pressed the record button and took off my shirt and laid it across the camera covering the red light that indicated it was recording. I didn’t set it up for security really, I didn’t think Jake looked like he would go through my stuff or steal anything, I guess I was just curious what college dorm room life would be like and this might give me a small view into that life. I was sitting on my bed with a towel over my right shoulder when Jake exited the bathroom. I stood up, my clean clothes in my hand and walked towards the bathroom past him, I thought I caught his eyes staring at my abdomen when I did, but I just shrugged it off as being in close quarters and one had to look somewhere, and I was looking at him after all. I showered and redressed in the bathroom and walked out. I dropped my pants and socks and underwear into the laundry hamper as I went back to my bed and sat down and put on my socks and shoes. “Well see you in a couple of hours I guess.” I said as I headed for the door. “Yeah, see you later,” Jake replied and then laughed. “Call me if you get lost.” I laughed and left the room and headed downstairs and outside. I stood in front of the dorm building for a couple of minutes just drinking in the views of the campus before I headed off on my journey. As I walked down the sidewalk, I had the weird feeling someone was watching me.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Sep 2013 17:32:26 +0000

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