Chemists tell us that a single grain of iodine will impart color - TopicsExpress


Chemists tell us that a single grain of iodine will impart color to water seven thousand times its weight. It is so in higher things: one weakness, one bad habit, may influence the whole of life and character. Normally, the chains of habits are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. Habits are just like cobwebs that we weave each day to form thick cables that we cannot break. They are strengthened by an increase in the number of repeated acts. They are also weakened or broken, and contrary habits are formed by the repetition of contrary acts. I read somewhere that “A nail is driven out by another nail; HABIT IS OVERCOME BY HABIT.”Pray like Jesus and you will nail them out. Mark 1:35, Matthew 14:23, Luke 6:12. YOU MUST ADD GOOD TO SUBTRACT BAD FROM YOUR LIFE. 2 Peter 1:5-7 “For this very reason, MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO ADD to your faith goodness and to goodness, knowledge……” 1 Peter 2:1 “Wherefore LAYING ASIDE ……” A habit cannot be tossed out the window; it must be coaxed down the stairs a step at a time.—Mark Twain. Let’s call for air strikes form King Jesus to help us break the bad habits and strengthen that which is good.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 05:04:51 +0000

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