Cheney and Rumsfield also brought us the Irag war and that - TopicsExpress


Cheney and Rumsfield also brought us the Irag war and that wonderful product ASPARTAME. Cheney is a heartless Demon and Rumsfield is one of his dead eyed, souless minions with a shit eating grin. They both should be brought up on War Charges at the Hague and hung. 22 wonderful young men, and women, who served in their inane war are killing themselves EVERYDAY. What will be the true cost of these wars when all is said and done? We will never know. How do these Men live with themselves. Cheney literally has no heart, but a whirling pump that keep his cold blood flowing through his sick veins. There is, I do believe, a mechanism in the universe that balances the equation. Some times, late at night, I think I can hear it getting closer. Like a Freight train and Hurricane rolled into one. All of the ignorance, stupidity and denial about the reality of the human condition will not matter when the fit hits the shan. 25,000 children die A DAY from starvation. Millions more die from lack of access to clean water every year. Where are our priorities? The level of discourse in this country is pathetic. No one wants to educate themselves to the reality of our situation. Maintaining the status quo. I got mine now you get yours. Anyone, Anyone who is considered a success in the current system is in a very large and real way directly contributing to maintaining the corporate welfare system, the corporate Plutocracy that is directly causing the increase in economic inequality and deaths that manifest as a result.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 18:46:17 +0000

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