Chief’s rant for today: Ask yourselves this simple - TopicsExpress


Chief’s rant for today: Ask yourselves this simple question. Do the elected officials do what is in your best interest? Do they understand what it means to represent the American people. Many of the officials we have voted into office we did thinking that would stop corruption and restore Constitutional order to our House and Senate, and they have turned their backs on “WE THE PEOPLE” who entrusted them with this duty. Before elected officials received pay checks, it was considered an honor to represent your districts. People with great character served in these positions preserving liberty, and when their time was up would return to their careers of choice which they went back to making a living at. Great power can bring about outstanding things or total chaos. Our elected officials have become drunk on the allure of power and prestige. They act out of greed and a corrupt sense of entitlement; they have ignored the will of “WE THE PEOPLE” who gave them authority to govern. Instead they lay waste they plunder our wealth and the fruits of our labor for their gain. How can you expect our elected officials to solve the issues with finance for example when in fact they can vote themselves gifts and raises from the public treasury? They have no interest in fixing issues just making their lives better, like in past post I have pointed out how the majority of the elected officials are multi millionaires. Our President has even granted them status higher than ours, giving them another free ride for medical care, while the rest of “WE THE PEOPLE” are forced to buy into something. You expect them to look after your interest or do you know they will turn a blind eye? How is it that the chosen few are exempt from Health Care Laws while “WE THE PEOPLE” are forced to participate in it? All elected officials in Washington are exempt from this law, now they are refusing to defund it. Ask yourself; “What kind of legitimate power does this corrupt body have to exempt themselves from the law? What authority do they have to force “WE THE PEOPLE” to submit to a law that has no constitutional legitimacy? Now if we look at our Constitution, do we not have equality of natural law in which all mean are born with equal rights? If this is so then how does one group claim legitimate power to be above “WE THE PEOPLE” and live free of the laws that affect us? How can this handful of people involved in so many scandals, “NSA, Gun running, Benghazi, Health Care, IRS (to name a few), even have legitimate position from which to push an agenda? These scandals sadly I feel only scratch the surface of the criminal behavior we have been witness too; this is in both parties all the elected officials. It is a shell game; when something starts to come to light, shift the focus someplace else. Know that when these elected officials pass immigration reform giving some 30 million illegal people the right to vote and collect handout from the government, it is not going to add big numbers to either party, but possibly lead to another party, which in turn leads to even more corruption. Now as citizens of this Great nation when you fail to acknowledge the illegitimacy of the laws which ignore the Constitution, it makes you complicit in the “destruction of liberty” by turning your blind eye. Our elected officials gave up representing “WE The PEOPLE” long ago. They have sold out for power and money. They sadly do not respect us, they only look down on us from their elevated positions which we gave them, entrusting them to do the job they were tasked to do. They live off of us, much like a parasite lives off its host, and they still want more, they want us to redistribute our hard earn wealth. All the while pushing us closer to civil unrest from the providers to the users, the ones taking hand outs. And still their power, wealth, and prestige grow. The larger a government becomes the less “WE THE PEOPLE” voices are heard. Are we no different than livestock? A farmer raises animals to provide for his living (noble in my eyes), while the elected officials see us much the same way, use us to provide the fuel for the appetite of a growing government, we provide the money that feeds the engine. As a government grows the more money it needs to function. And sadly when we question the elected officials they resent the fact we even have a voice or thought. How dare the livestock ask, why things are done. They are the elite, and we are the livestock and they know what is best for us. This is the time for each and every one of you to do your duty and hold elected officials accountable, “WE THE PEOPLE” are the grantors of their power and the offices they hold belong to “WE THE PEOPLE” maybe you can do your part to take these offices back. So every time you see one of those public service announcements, sitcom, or documentary that is influenced by the government that are counter to our freedoms, you must speak up. Funny how the elected officials are exempt from them, you must expose the hypocritical act for what it is an assault on your freedom. So what else can you do! Here are some steps that would lead to an honest government; 1) All laws apply to elected officials as well as citizens. 2) No ‘retirement pay’ or special benefits for federal or state legislators at any level. 3) Remove the pay and benefits of federal legislators and staff them from the federal domain, make the state sending them to Congress pay them. If you state does well then you are paid more, if your state sucks with its money you are paid less. 4) Why not have a draft lottery, qualifications for inclusion to the pool of prospective draftees to be determined by each state in which they represent. 5) Repeal the 17th Amendment and give the selection of Senators back to the state legislatures, with the addition of term limits, and the right of recall by not only the stat Governor but the states people. 6) Electronic voting has to go, paper ballot, one person one vote. Machines only do what they are told to do, and they can be rigged. Like I said earlier with the corruption and money involved you know it happens.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Aug 2013 14:32:37 +0000

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