Chives Kill 97% of Colon Cancer Cells in Vitro and Reduce Risk in - TopicsExpress


Chives Kill 97% of Colon Cancer Cells in Vitro and Reduce Risk in People: Chives are an excellent source of thiosulfinates, which are powerful antioxidants and anticancer compounds. In this study, thiosulfinates from Chinese chives virtually wiped out colon cancer cells, killing over 97% of them outright within 72 hours. But can chives prevent colon cancer in humans? In one study out of China, people eating just 40 grams weekly of chives (and/or celery) had 84% less colon cancer risk. Chives, and other allium family vegetables like onions, garlic, leeks and scallions are known to significantly reduce cancer risk. But chives might be special because they are usually eaten raw—which preserves their anticancer potency. In fact, other studies have shown chives to dramatically lower the risk of lung cancer (by 46%), localized prostate cancer (by 66%), throat cancer (by 43%) and stomach cancer (by 60%). In most cases, just one serving weekly is enough to get the benefit. Beyond cancer prevention, chives are also potently antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal (killing Candida) and anti-inflammatory. Bottom line: chives may be an anticancer superfood and deserve to be included in any healthy, balanced diet aimed at cancer prevention. They go great on potatoes, in salads, omelets, sandwiches, and add great flavor to vegetable smoothies and numerous healthy recipes.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 19:52:22 +0000

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