Choice, it’s still my favorite word in the language. It’s a - TopicsExpress


Choice, it’s still my favorite word in the language. It’s a powerful word, a word that can change lives. Every aspect of our lives is shaped by our choices; but it’s more that our own lives which are affected, virtually every choice we make will affect another life. We can’t always choose the events which occur in our time here, but we can choose how we allow them to change us. I didn’t choose for my dear David to walk out in front of that car three years ago no more than I chose for Mary to endure the struggle of this behavioral disorder. Those things are beyond my control, what is in my control is how I choose to deal with them. The day we removed David’s life support and he lay in that bed taking his final breaths I wanted nothing more than to crawl into that bed with him and take mine. There are days now where I want to grab the dogs, drop the top on “Connie”, and run away to Amelia Island rather than deal with the situation with Mary. Dying or running away would be the easy choices; living and standing strong are the difficult ones, but they are the only logical ones to make. Like everyone else in the world I wake up every morning with a choice in front of me, how am I going to choose to live this day? Am I going to choose to live it in defeat and desperation, or am I going to live it with courage and hope? More often than not I choose the latter. That choice moves from me to every other person I encounter. Because I make that choice I’ll stand and chat with the guy at the convenience store as he makes coffee to refill the empty pot rather than stand there and grouse at him for letting it run out. My attitude and our friendly chat may make his day a bit better and maybe it will move on to the next person he encounters. Maybe it won’t. Reading this may make a change in your day; if it does my choice of writing and posting it has had an effect. Try to make good choices today…
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:14:48 +0000

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