Choose your friends and as­so­ciates wise­ly. Every man likes - TopicsExpress


Choose your friends and as­so­ciates wise­ly. Every man likes to fancy him­self as a com­plete­ly inde­pen­dent, lone wolf who is immune to peer pres­sure. Such auton­o­my may be a wor­thy ideal, but research on the sub­ject has shown that – to one degree or anoth­er — we are all influ­enced by those with whom we are sur­round­ed. Stud­ies have already demon­strat­ed that our as­so­ciates and loved ones affect our weight and mood. And now we know they can play a role in shift­ing the nee­dle of our moral com­pass as well. It is most def­i­nite­ly pos­si­ble to spend your time with those who have far lower moral stan­dards than you and still main­tain your own. It’s just more dif­fi­cult. Swim­ming upstream gets tire­some, and you run the risk of even­tu­al­ly being worn down and com­ing to accept the lower stan­dards as your new nor­mal. When you sur­round your­self with friends who share your high moral stan­dards, how­ev­er, stay­ing on the straight and nar­row becomes much eas­i­er.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 02:38:08 +0000

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