Christian holocaust is in our midst Isis terrorist are now - TopicsExpress


Christian holocaust is in our midst Isis terrorist are now beheading children in the streets of Iraq. They are putting the heads of the children on sticks and standing them up in parks. Parents are being made to watch this happen to their children before the father is hung and the Mother is then raped before her death. Families that fled into the mountains are now throwing their own children off mountain tops to their death so they dont have to watch them die of thirst or at the hands of Isis! This is happening only because these families chose to be Christians! They chose to worship the same God that America... The greatest country on earth was founded under! More than 5000 American Soldiers gave their lives in Iraq in recent years to prevent the Taliban from doing this very thing. Now Isis, which is an off spring of the Taliban, is quickly becoming the largest most powerful terrorist organization the World has ever known. Isis has been traveling from Syria into Iraq for the last 2 months. They have made their mission very clear many times... Simply destroy any person or Government that doesnt believe as they do! It is true America cannot, nor should we, try to solve all the Worlds problems. I even agree with President Obama (which I never thought I would say) when he says political issues in other countries should be solved by that countries political system. I also agree with The President that Americans are tired of our men and women fighting and losing their lives around the World! Yet I believe Americans are still willing to see our military take action to protect our Country and the freedoms our founding fathers intended for us to have as American citizens! I also believe military force should only be used as a last resort. If all diplomatic means have been exhausted and military force is the only option left it should then be used ferociously and definitively! President Obama sees the Isis attack on Christians in Iraq as one of those situations that needs to be handled through Iraqs political system. While authorizing US missile strikes to protect American troops stationed in Iraq he stated... the conflict should be handled through Iraqs political system. He was adamant that America will not be engaged in another war in Iraq as long as hes the Commander in Chief. Once again heres where the President just doesnt get it! There is no political system in the World that can resolve a conflict when one side is a terrorist organization. Isis has one mission and only one.... Destroy any nation that does not believe as they do! There is no diplomatic way for a political system to negotiate with that mission. Isis has also made it very clear their destination is not Iraq. Their destination is The United States of America! Americans are who they truly see as the enemy and who they are determined to destroy. An Isis leader was quoted this week saying we will not stop until we raise the flag of Muhammad over the United States White House. Each country in the Middle East that they are able to carry out their mission in makes them stronger and more prepared for the finale... The United States of America! The end result is very simple! We fight Isis now in the Middle East or we fight them on our own soil. We as Americans have lived so comfortably and secure for so many years we cannot comprehend whats occurring in Iraq today ever taking place in our cities. If Isis is not stopped now it will become a sad reality that we are not immune from. Isis began their journey toward Iraq two months ago. At that time the President could have used US air strikes to completely destroy this evil terrorist organization without having one US Military boot touch the ground and without one American Soldier losing their life! Now that they have been allowed to arrive in Iraq cities and begin killing innocent citizens they cannot be defeated without fighting with troops on the ground. The sad inevitable now is that there will be loss of lives to Americans at the hands of Isis. It will happen as we fight them in the Middle East or when we fight them on our very own soil. One thing is for certain, we will fight them because they are determined to destroy us. I posted a writing in January of this year where I stated peace and security around the World is measured by the strength of America. By strength I was talking about our economy, our military and most importantly our President. President Obama took office thinking if only America would down size its military and quit flexing its muscles... all the World would like us and everyone would play nice. He stated prior to taking office the World is safer today than it has ever been. I pray that Mr. Obama has since realized there are Nations in the World that will never like us. I pray hes realized the World being safer than it had ever been was a result of Americas strength. Because of his misconception, America is now weaker than it has been at any point in history and the World is more dangerous than it has ever been! Ever since God created the heavens and the earth there has always been a nation that was the super power and was the leader of the World. America has practically held that status since the day it was discovered. Each nation before us that held that position all totally collapsed and before their destruction they each had two things in common. They abandoned their morals and values that had always produced God fearing, people loving citizens and they declared war on the very God that created them and put them in a position of power. As a result America, founded on Judeo-Christian values became the greatest nation the World has ever known. Since that time America has been the leader of the free World. If we study our history we will find that America is now on that same path of destruction those nations before us traveled! Yesterday as Christian children were being beheaded in the World a high ranking Russian official was tweeting as a joke a photo to other Russian officials. The photo depicts Russia President Putin holding some type of ferocious tiger or cougar while standing next to President Obama whos holding a poodle. The caption under the photo says we have different values and allies. June 14th of this year President Obama celebrated a Muslim Holiday in the White House. President Obama has been quoted many times saying America is no longer a Christian Nation. The Founder of our country, George Washington had an entirely different view. Washington said, “It is impossible to rightly govern a nation without God and the Bible.” Christians Throughout the World must stand up and be heard... We need to Pray for Gods intervention. We must end this war against God and evil has to be destroyed! I pray Gods blessings on Christians throughout the World. I pray God truly blesses the United States of America.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 01:24:12 +0000

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