Christ’s death was His greatest achievement and God’s greatest - TopicsExpress


Christ’s death was His greatest achievement and God’s greatest act. The power of love conquered the love of power. It was no mistake, no misfortune, and no accident. Christ was not a martyred victim, but a mighty victor, our champion and God’s hero. The Father in heaven sent Him to hunt out and destroy the devil and evil. A greater David faced a greater Goliath. The Son of God overthrew our greatest enemy, sin, and our final foe, death. The world ran true to form when it crucified Christ. God also ran true to form in what He did about it. He turned red blood into royal redemption. Men took a lovely tree, stripped it, and twisted it into the stark beams of the cross. It was their logo of hate. Christ picked it up, stained it with His life’s blood, and gave it back to us – His logo of love. He invested that tree with a glory it never had before. Its wood became a door of hope and made us worth all that we cost. “O, how I love Jesus…” God bless you.
Posted on: Sat, 22 Jun 2013 09:08:24 +0000

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