Clair Armour, the girl who took my breath away and stole my heart - TopicsExpress


Clair Armour, the girl who took my breath away and stole my heart with that AMAZING Mad Men cosplay of Betty Draper. This one is for you. Did not the heavens pause to think, What pain they’d cause and hearts they’d sink? Why did Apollo never forsee, The restless nights and vivid dreams, That do plague this doltish boy, Not a man, for he never fought at Troy! A beauty which lacks any complaint, A smile which makes Hercules faint, A laughter which drives men wild, And make poems which lack in rhyme. For close you may stay, but far you are, What use is distance, when tongues are barred? Few thoughts cross your mind, but when they do, They speak of wisdom, and boast of servitude, To the greatest wit of them all, Athena, whose statues shall never fall! But to speak to you, is an art, For I have all the grace..of a fart. All I can do is sit here and pine, For what wit have I, when all lie in your mind! Forgive me for attempting to, Immortalize the wonder that is you, No Helen, no Belle, no Aphrodite too, Can ever hope to compare with you! To all you Arts students, my sincerest apologies if this poem seems blasphemous. I may have jumbled up the metre, rhyming scale, stanza pattern and what not, but it was purely unintentional. Also, I salute UBC, for I’d never write such a thing were it not for the amazing Uni that I study in, Id never have written such a message.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 08:51:20 +0000

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