Clarity leads to POWER! (This is an important one) You might - TopicsExpress


Clarity leads to POWER! (This is an important one) You might have heard of this expression before. Its absolutely true! The clearer youre about something; a topic, a situation, a scenario, etc. the more power you have over it... The more power you have to make the right decision. The more power and certainty you have to know exactly what you need to do to get what you want. This is why... Applied knowledge is POWER! (Instead of the popular phrase knowledge is power) So the actual formula / sequence is: Clarity of goals => Knowledge gathering (knowing) => Application of knowledge (action = power) => Success The sad things is, majority of people are stuck at the first couple of stages... They dont have clarity of goals because they dont know what they dont know. And they dont seek the right knowledge that will give them better clarity and help them to grow. This is the reason majority of businesses are stuck being small and never grow bigger... They dont know what is POSSIBLE. And even if they kinda know what is possible, they dont purposely SEEK NEW KNOWLEDGE to grow and unleash their potential. Albert Einstein said: Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. By that definition, a lot of business owners are insane, because they know whats possible from what theyre seeing other successes around them... but theyre not learning new things and changing their strategies to move towards that. They just hope and dream of getting those better results... but still doing the same old things. Yup... Insanity! Do you agree? If you know whats possible, and you want that possibility... but youre not PURPOSEFULLY learning new strategies to move towards that... but expecting to get that results... Well, you should be in a straight jacket and thrown in a mental hospital, according to Einstein. And I agree! People like to talk and dream but they just dont do anything about it. But worse, they start to feel bad because theyre so far away from what they know is possible. Then they whine and complain and blame others like their environments, their partners, their clients, their team, their government, etc... everything and everyone but themselves. (Ugh... ... cant stand it.) Lets get back to something more productive... Heres the proven process to solve / achieve anything you want in life & business... including increasing sales, building million dollar businesses, becoming the top in your field, dominating a niche, becoming a multimillionaire, etc.: 1. Clearly define the problem / challenge / goal. The clearer you can define your challenge, the easier it is for you to find the solution for it. There is another saying: How you start is how you finish. Its basically saying that how you start tend to determine what kind of results you will get. Eg. If you define the challenge wrongly, high chances are youll get the wrong results. So define your goal clearly. Remember, clarity leads to power. 2. Once you know what you want, then its important that you seek and invest in new knowledge. Its amazing to see lots of people nickel-and-dime about investing in knowledge that will help them get to the next level - aka. investing in themselves. They dont realise that theyre actually limiting themselves and sabotaging their own growth. Heres an important tip for success: When you clearly know what you want to achieve, and you know where to get the knowledge to help you get where you want to be... DONT stinge on yourself! (It seems so simple, but its shocking how most people just dont get it.) I regularly invest in myself and upgrade my knowledge and learning. I truly believe that knowledge... the right knowledge, especially in this information age, is tremendous potential power. Which leads me to... 3. Applying the new knowledge that you acquired. This is when you must STRETCH out of your COMFORT ZONE. Bruce Lee said: Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough we must do. Lots of people dont apply what they learned out of fear... or because they just want to stay in their comfort zone. They dont realise that theyre actually choosing to be insane (doing the same things hoping to get better results) because of fear. But whats even more shocking is... Often times, their fears are unfounded. Their fears are not real. Its just their own perception limiting themselves. They dont realise that fear is: False Evidence Appearing Real. Lots of people breakthrough their fears and limitation by just taking a small simple step. When they realise its not as bad as they thought it would be, their fears shatter and in that instant... in that split second... they created a new world full of possibilities for themselves. Take that small step. Destroy your fears and limitations. 4. Remain flexible: The first time you stretch and apply what you learned, expect that you wont get the best results immediately. When you first learned how to tie your shoes, did you get it immediately? When you first learned how to walk, did you immediately walk smoothly? When you first learn how to swim / cycle / ride, etc. did you get it the first time? Of course not! But you still learned and mastered them. You got back up and you did it again, and you ended up mastering it. THAT is the NATURAL process of learning. Strangely, when it comes to building businesses, increasing sales, creating wealth, etc. people tend to expect instant success. One-try-instant-success expectation (or rather, limitation). They limit themselves by having UNREASONABLE expectations. Why? Practice (doing the right things) is the mother of skills... ANY skill! If you want to master increasing sales, building million dollar businesses, etc. then youve got to practice those skills... again and again, until you master them. Period. There is no other way. (If someone tell you there is, theyre lying. Stay away from them.) But can you speed up the process? Of course! Get the right mentor, coach, etc. who are there to guide and push you. But you still need to do the work. 5. Enjoy the success you deserve. Once you get what you want... when you achieve your goals / milestones, etc. its important to set bigger goals s you can continue to grow. But... Its also important to slow down a little and enjoy and savour your success... what you have achieved. All work and no play makes you a dull person. Success gives you choices. Enjoy them. Have some fun. That will psychosomatically (body & mind) link to your body and mind that achieving success and the process to get there is fun and worth it. So enjoy and have fun for a while. Then get clarity for your next goal. ===== By the way: If you want to gain clarity and increase your sales from your Facebook marketing by converting your fans into buyers, tonight is your chance to register for the Customer Cultivation webinar before the price increases. Well reveal some of the most potent techniques on how to cultivate and convert casual prospects & fans into rabid buyers. The exact techniques that has raked in hundreds of thousands in sales in just a few short months, even for small businesses. Heres the link: socialmetric/customer-cultivation-webinar/ (slots are going fast) Early bird is only till tonight. Look forward to helping you improve your sales this Saturday.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Jun 2014 13:01:53 +0000

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