Class project: Norse Drama Script Just getting the lines down. - TopicsExpress


Class project: Norse Drama Script Just getting the lines down. Its a draft I have to put in the settings/backdrops, and the narration. Just lines so it makes little sense. Oh well Ill add (Fake Viking music) Skyrim music and call it a night. Got till Thanksgiving to get it done. Its an actual myth too. Its a start anyway... The Death of Balder Balder: Try that again, I did not feel that! Old Woman (Loki): I have stopped by to talk to you women to women. (In a disguised voice) I hear you are the queen of the gods, so surely you have great power here. Are you aware the gods have gathered in assembly to throw things at one among them? I must admit he seems to enjoy it. But, he is such a beautiful god, it would be sad if someone killed him! Maybe you should walk down there and see for your self. You might want to do something about their foolish sport. Frigg: How kind of you to come to me. You must be speaking about Balder. However, there is no reason for you to come to me for you to be concerned because nothing will ever hurt him. I have made everything take a sacred oath not to hurt him, so he is quite safe. Old Woman (Loki): Have you really demanded an oath from everything in the world? Frigg: Oh yes! After all, Balder is my son! I have received an oath from every plant and every animal, every bird and every serpent, every metal and every stone, Illness and poison, every drop of water, every speck of earth, and every spark of fire. Nothing will hurt Balder. I assure that he really is quite safe! Old Women (Loki): You certainly seem very sure of yourself. If it was my son, I would fear that I had overlooked something. But you must no that you missed nothing. Frigg: Well I did miss one thing. But that was intentional. A little mistletoe bush grows west of Valhalla. I did not demand that it take an oath because it seemed too young to harm anybody! Old Women (Loki): I am certain you were right about that. Loki: No one will notice it. In fact I will see to it that they hardly notice me! Hoder, why are you the only god who is not throwing things at Balder? Hoder: Because I can not see where he is, and besides, I have nothing to throw. Loki: I can take care of that! You should be able to honor your brother as the other gods do. My arm will direct your arm to where Balder is standing, and you can throw at him this twig I will give you. Frigg: Whoever among you would win my everlasting gratitude and affection will do what I now ask of you. Ride down to Nifilheim and see if you can find my son in the kingdom of the dead. If you are successful approach Hel and see if she will let him return to Asgard. Since she is Loki’s daughter, it might be best to offer her a wergild payment in return for Balder’s life. Hermond the Bold: I am happy to do this for my brother’s sake! Maiden Guard: Who are you, and who is your father? Yesterday five troops of dead men rode across this bridge with less noise then you are making. You must be alive! Why then are you riding this road into Hel? Hermond the Bold: I am Hermond, son of Odin the all father, and indeed I am very much alive! I must ride the road into Nifilheim, for I must search the kingdom of the dead for my beloved brother, Balder the Good. Have you seen him cross your bridge? Maiden Guard: Yes, Balder has crossed my bridge. Follow the road that goes continuously downhill and to the north, for that is the way to Nifilheim. However, I must warn you that the kingdom of the dead is surrounded by a very high wall. You will have to devise a way to get through its gates. Hermond the Bold: Take me over the Gates! My name is Hermond, and I am the son of Odin and Frigg. I have come from the home of the gods to see if you will let me take my brother, Balder, Back to Asgard. The hearts of the gods are filled with grief at his death, so great is there love for him. Frigg promises you a fitting wergild in exchange for Balder’s life. Hel: I shall release Balder on one condition. You must prove to me that he is so loved that everyone and everything in the world, both alive and dead, will weep for him. If one thing objects to his return or refuses to weep for him, then Balder will remain in my kingdom. Hermond the Bold: I am sure your condition will be met. My mother took an oath from everything in the world to protect Balder’s life. Every plant and every animal, every bird and every serpent, every metal and every stone, Illness and poison, every drop of water, every speck of earth, and every spark of fire promised to protect his life. Surely, they will weep for him! Hel: For your sake, I hope that you are right! However, no matter how sure you are, I must have proof. Balder: Thank you for making this long, fearsome journey on my behalf. The gods call you Hermond the bold with good reason. Only father and the great Thor have as much courage as you! Do this favor for me. Return our father’s wondrous golden-arm ring to him as a token of my love for him. Hermond the Bold: This I shall do, Balder. Meanwhile, be of good courage! The gods are determined to free you from this dismal kingdom. I am certain you will see the world of sunlight once again. Messengers to Giantess (Loki): Every other creature and form in nature, both alive, and dead, weeping for Balder in order to release him from the kingdom of the dead. Please add your tears to theirs, for Hel has demanded that no one must refuse to weep if Balder is to return to Asgard. Giantess (Loki): No one will ever see tears flow from my eyes and course down my cheeks. Balder means nothing to me, whether he is alive or dead. If Hel has him in her kingdom, let him stay there! Loki: This would surely be a fine way to catch a fish! Wisest of them all (A god): Loki has taken the form of a fish! Search the mountain stream, by the waterfall, and I am sure you will find him there! I shall quickly make you a net like the one Loki himself designed, and you will catch him with it. (Space for my group to sign their names) Script: Narrator: Props: Power Point: Music: Actors: youtube/watch?v=clcHxg9l5Bk
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 05:28:01 +0000

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