Cleaveland fans have quickly forgotten how their king james - TopicsExpress


Cleaveland fans have quickly forgotten how their king james (notice small caps) dropped them and that team like a bad habit. He couldnt or more importantly WOULDNT (notice all caps) stick with his team through a very important building period. Now 4 yrs later with 3 consecutive 1st round draft picks, he is NOW ready to give them his talents and NOW realizes the value the city of Cleveland held for him. Im sorry I dont buy any of it. He is an opportunist who could have done some real good for the team, the city and that state. He choose instead to head out to greener pastures to be a hired gun for a bigger paycheck and a team who clearly could have afforded more talent. And yet, every sports analyst over there is talking about what a brave choice this was for him and how much more respect they have gained for him. That all make me sick to glorify this behavior and refuse to recognize the true superstars of this league like Tim Duncan. On a side note they are constantly reliving all of LeBrons highlights from his Cleveland years, ironically ignoring the sweep San Antonio handed them in the finals. Silly people, tricks are for kids.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 04:04:41 +0000

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