Climbers Versus Claimers. Apart from The Fear of God, - TopicsExpress


Climbers Versus Claimers. Apart from The Fear of God, Instruction, Teaching, Correction, Rebuke, Knowledge, and Prudence, Understanding is one of the main Pillars of Wisdom. Understanding can simply be defined as:The ability to see the Practicality of the Information presented Comprehension or Interpretation would suffice as accurate synonyms. The Oxford Dictionary defines Understanding and Comprehension as follows: a. Understand: To know or realize How or Why something happens, How it Works, or Why it is Important. b: Comprehension: (Especially Written) the Ability to Understand. Using the stated definitions, by Gods grace, il walk us to the place of comprehension of the importance of balancing out the things you say (claim) with the things you do.(climb). Again, we cant but avoid to define this word claim. To claim is defined as: To Say that something is true although it has not been Proved and others may not believe it. To get us rolling, il use an illustration. Lets say you meet someone with a ladder hes leaned against a building and to your expectation, hell tell you hes about to climb up the ladder. What would happen if two hours later you passed by and found him still at base of the ladder? Youd probably ask him Why didnt you do it? With whatever reasons he gives you, lets imagine you walked away then came back five hours later and found the man at the exact same spot you left him. What would you do? Youd probably stop paying attention to what hes saying based on what hes not doing. What if you find someone who said nothing to you, carried his ladder to a building, mounted and scaled the wall in no time. Which of these two would you believe more? The claimer-our first party, or the climber the second participant? Im sure youd most likely front the second person based on his initiative. From the christian stand point especially from the Faith stance, neither of them would pass the faith test. Heres why: Its not enough to be a person who only Does (climbs) the Word but never says it,neither is it acceptable to be one who only Says(claims) the promises in Gods Word but you never act out on it. Creflo Dollar succinctly put it this way:Belief is only belief at the point of execution. By this he means that the proof of belief is action not just the things one says. In addition to the above truths, my objective was to bring us to the place of understanding as to why our words and actions ought to harmoniously work together. So buckle up as God and I take you on this discourse. Everything in Gods Economy begins and is sustained by Gods Spoken Word. God never did anything He which never said, neither did He ever Say anything that He failed to do. If everything God does is a follow up of what He said, then we can live with the certainty that everything God says will be backed by His actions. Heres where many in our church army lost it. We have too many people who have not been taught the importance of speaking Gods Word. So they pride themselves with being doers of the Word so they dont have to Speak it out. Others just speak Gods Word like the man we used as an illustration who claimed he would climb the ladder but never did. Its good to have the right Professions from Gods Word, its better to be a Doer, its Best to be a doer and a professing christian. To be like God, we ought to both say and do Gods Word. Before God created man He said let us make man in our own image and likeliness. Before God created the world we now live in, He spoke His Word then acted on His Word. In the same way, whatever world you want to create, take Gods Word conceive it in your heart, speak and act out on it. You will have what you say. Just as you wouldnt assist a person who never requested for your help, there is an army of angels that are on stand by to carry out Gods Word whenever it is spoken. The angel class are the servants of the GodHead and the Royal Family-The Church. Too many of Gods people have not learnt how to employ the angels (their servants) to carry around their ladders and so angels watch in silence as Gods people live below their rightful priviledges as CoHeirs with the Creator of the universe. When you understand this, youll see why some christians are rising so quickly while others are still at ground floor despite the passage of time. Say-claim, and do-climb Gods Word for best results or scale the highest mountains of success and significance. Kenneth Copeland said in a certain forum: If we say what Jesus said, and do what Jesus did, we will have what Jesus had. Here are some verses to us spur to act and speak Gods Word. Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of Your Mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night so you will be careful to do according to all thats written in it, for then you shall make your way prosperous and you shall have Good Success. Proverbs 18:20,21 A mans belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of His Mouth, and with the Increase of his Lips he shall be Filled. Death and Life are in the Power of The Tongue and those who love it shall it eat its Fruit. Hebrews 11:3 Through Faith we Understand that the Worlds were Framed by Gods Word so that the Things which are Seen were Made out of Invisible Things. John 1:1-3 In the begining was the Word, and the The Word was with God, and The Word was God. The Word was with God in the begining. All things were made by The Word and theres nothing that was made without The Word. Romans 10:9,10 If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart The Lordship of Jesus, you will be saved.To receive Salvation, Gods Best (-Soteria*,) believe in your heart and confess Gods Word. (*When you find time, google and research on the word soteria. Its the word that was translated Salvation in Romans 10:10.)
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:42:11 +0000

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