Collision of Souls: Spiritual Seeking as Addiction Many go out - TopicsExpress


Collision of Souls: Spiritual Seeking as Addiction Many go out from God to seek Him, but He is within us, just waiting on us to be still and to know He is God: The Kingdom is within, so why are we looking without for the things of God: The Kingdom of God is not in meat or drink, but in Righteousness and Peace and Joy IN THE HOLY GHOST: Dennis; Again is it an addiction or a drive??? Depending on the source, I would say a drive if it is to do with the Word of God: For when we are no longer babes tossed to and fro with every wind of doctrine; when we have become established in the truth and can no longer waver even, then we can be more settled: A young child is restless and always on the go, running all over the place, they can not be still even for a moment apart from going to sleep: But when we are older we just wait for our food, we do not need to go and look for it, it will come to us, but a child is always impatient it wants its food now!!!: A child is very undisciplined and can never wait for anything: When we get a little more settled, then we can just wait for our daily manna to come to us and then wait for Gods Holy Spirit to moves us to confirm and establish us in the truth as He wills, otherwise we will be like Clydes clan, always learning but never coming to KNOW the truth: They have no clue on the One they are ministering about, they might-as-well be ministering on all the great men that ever came to be upon this earth: (Who Cares) we are in this world but not of it: To them it is just history and when they are raptured out of here, then they will know the Lord: Ever learning but never coming into the Knowledge of the truth, that sounds like a true scribe indeed, even a tare that can never be, One with Him even as the wheat: To Know is to be known as we become partakers of His Life, apart from His Life manifested to us, we can not know anything there is to be known about Him, we can just becomes ministers of second hand knowledge from a one who did know Him: Again I say; unless we become One with Thee Son in His Life and in the same Relationship that He has with His Father, then we have not the same Father: The Only Begotten Son Of Gods relationship with His Father then is our relationship with His Father as He manifest His Life to us: Then do we become One with Him even as He is with the Father and only then can we be in the same relationship to His Father to now be also Our Father, then can we truly know even as He is known, because we are His seed grown up to be just as He in Jesus name: For then our Testimony then has become the Testimony of Jesus Christ given to the Firstfruit: How can we minister our Father unless we know Him as our Father, or how can we minister The Son unless we become One in His Life: See; then we can only minister out of what we know by who we personally know as we identify with Him in His Life: Whereas; the Tares can only minister what they have read about: The Wheat are One in His life, we are His seed manifested forth, but the tares are the serpents seed trying to be what they can never be: They can only know about a thing, whereas; the Wheat are the Real Deal that has become the life of the thing that the tares can only know about, therefore; do they imitate the wheat: See; it might be that Paul knew not the difference at the time of even what he was walking through until it was all said and done, even when all left him, many had fallen away from his teachings:, for if they were of the same spirit that Paul was of then they would have remained: It is written; They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. That also happened to Jesus, all that were not of Him went from Him and His teachings when the meat became to strong: Paul said; follow me even as I am of Christ, then He said be ye imitators of me in another verse: Could it be that this is where Father was setting up His ways to be established: Ones unto followers, the Wheat; and another unto imitators, the Tares;? Therefore, God set in those who were to be followers of Christ a different order/ after the order of Melchizedek,(777); that they could not fall away because they were His seed planted in this earth, we are in this world but not of it, the wheat are His born from above; but for them who were just imitators of Christ after the order of Satan/666 who had fallen away, they are of this world, the serpents seed: The tares that are growing up along side of the wheat to just imitate what they can never be: This is where they are even now being gathered up by the son of destruction from within, even by the mark that has been given over to them; 666, the serpents seed, those who have remained very carnal indeed: Again I say; Paul could have been the walk through for this falling away as a second witness to establish the Ways of God: Now the Imitators are out there undermining Gods word by; did God say??? They have become mocker and scorners and they truly hate His righteous ways, only to remain in a sloppy Grace apart from His Faith: The first witness was Jesus as all left Him only the faithful few remained as too was with Paul only the faithful few remained: Therefore; we have then the Ways of God how they were to be established unto a walk out of two to three witnesses and I will establish a thing: Jesus and Paul who both had all leave them but the wheat, those that were of the same Spirit(anointing) that were for the Wheat, those that were the same spirit that they were of, they were One of a Kind: Now for all to come into who they were to be, a follower vs an imitator, a wheat Vs a tare as we grow up together to only have the tares depart and fall away from the faith, where only the faithful remain, The Wheat in Jesus Name: Thank-you Father in Jesus name Alexandria:
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 20:14:38 +0000

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