Come down at me with your heart... just let me feel your soul and - TopicsExpress


Come down at me with your heart... just let me feel your soul and spirit. Its just a heartache that i feel with you. Oh sweet lady; you are everything to me. Just put of your clothes, and take my body as your soul, just put settle your personality with my heart so we can be one. Ohh sweet lady, because of you i am forgetting to breathe. Because of you i am forgetting all my problems. Because of you i have no longing anymore. You are a lady of a daybreak dream... you are a lady that filled my heart with your knowledge of love, you are the lady of a good soul, a good personality... Oh i wish you could be mine. Maybe it is a dream or like that, maybe it is a very tale, but i do know that your love and personality of truth are no very tale, but a reality of life that can be given by your heart. Oh lady, sweet lady; dont stand in the rain, just grab my hands and say you will be my wife forever.
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 21:18:46 +0000

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