Come on Kate... when things sound too good to be true, they always - TopicsExpress


Come on Kate... when things sound too good to be true, they always are. Network Marketing loves to throw out unverified BIG numbers that their Ambassadors make so that youll buy into it. Isnt that the same with Plexus??? GREAT question. I am a firm believer that when it sounds too good to be true- run the other way! I almost did when I first heard about Plexus! Another scam!!!! Ive been approached before by four other MLMs and it was always the same story- So and so is making XXXXXXX amount of money each month and so can you! This is where Plexus was different for me, my interactions with people had all been centered around the importance of the products and what they can do for others and their health...not on the financial side. When those conversations would eventually come up, it was explained that it was a bonus to make money helping people...not the reason for their Plexus business. I loved that mindset. NOT sales first. PEOPLE. RELATIONSHIPS FIRST. I didnt want to sell out or cheapen my friendships. Ever. Because I had researched the products before starting and knew they were legitimate, medically backed, and natural- I figured I should research their compensation plan. After all, I wanted to know about this company I might be getting involved in, I take that pretty seriously. The more I found out about the company and compensation structure, the more I realized that it was unlike anything else out there. Its actually built to support the Ambassadors and HELP them succeed. This company wants you to make more! No gimmicks. No hidden thresholds that you have to meet or loops you have to jump through. There arent just a couple of people at the top of the company that you hear about. People are getting to the top within a year of starting!! INSANE growth. So I figured, with that great of an opportunity, there would be a huge buy in like the other MLMs. More researched revealed...that to become an ambassador it would cost me less than dinner and drinks with my girlfriends. After making the decisions to skip girls night one night, I called up my cousin and took the plunge. I am so close to getting a promotion and have helped some of my very close friends get their life back. The business side of things is moving a little slow for me however, it is about to explode. My cousin, Tara says, Since starting Plexus, I am making MORE than I did working full-time in a high level corporate position working 60+ hours a week! Im not saying that to brag...because THATS HOW AMAZING the compensation plan is. I was making amazing money my first few months with Plexus and to think that I made that much and hadnt even scratched the surface of my potential growth with this company?? What?! And the real kicker is seriously just a bonus. I get to spend every day helping others get healthy. I get to spend every day helping my team members build a future for themselves that they only dreamed of. Today, I got a call from my bestie, Katie Trent, that put me in TEARS for her. Plexus is CHANGING THE LIFE OF HER FAMILY. THAT is my true reward. THAT is what keeps me going. Its not often you can offer others something that will completely transform their lives and I knew I couldnt let that pass me by. So, JOIN ME on this mind-boggling journey today because we are GROWING like crazy. I honestly can barely keep up! People are LOOKING for these products and LOOKING for this type of financial opportunity! We are having a blast and loving on our friends and family- something everyone wants to do...why not be rewarded for it?! Yall Plexus is a seat on the rocket ship and if you dont have your ticket, NOW is the time to get it! Dont watch me, JOIN ME AND MY AMAZING TEAM!!
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 04:32:16 +0000

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