Common Hydration Mistakes.. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX #1: - TopicsExpress


Common Hydration Mistakes.. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX #1: Not Hydrating Before Your Workout, But During It If you have not hydrated your body with enough water before you begin your workout, no amount of water you drink during will make up for the lack of hydration. In fact, it might cause headaches, especially if you are prone to them. Make sure that you have at least 8 ounces of water at least half an hour before you begin your workout. Dont chug it all down at once, but sip on it, a little at a time. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX #2: Drinking 8 Glasses Of Water A Day, No Matter What You will be surprised to know that this credo is actually quite an outdated one. According to The Institute of Medicine, one should actually drink 11.4 cups per day. They have asserted that hydration is a subjective principle that varies from person to person. A persons weight and size denotes the exact amount of water their bodies need. Then there is also the fact that certain fruit and vegetables such as an apple, which provides an entire cup of water, also provide hydration for your body. Therefore, if your diet includes a lot of water-rich snacks and meals, you may not need to drink as much water. To find out how many ounces of water your body needs, take your weight and divide it by two. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX #3: Skipping Out On Drinks Like Tea And Coffee It is a myth that tea and coffee are dehydrating due to their high caffeine content. The fact is that while the caffeine in tea and coffee may be a diuretic, which causes fluid loss, the fluid that they contain tends to make up for it. That is why, when it comes down to it, drinking a cup of tea or coffee might be better than not drinking anything at all. #4: Not Hydrating Often Enough XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Listen to your body. It sends out signals as to when you are thirsty, and at those times, by all means, you should reach for your water bottle. But this isnt always the case. There are times when your body might not really be sending you signals which you can identify. You should make it a habit to sip on water all throughout the day, even when you are just sitting at your work desk or in front of the TV. If it helps, set a reminder on your phone to go off every 15 minutes to remind you to sip on that H2O. If you dont get enough water into your system, you could be prone to conditions like Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) and kidney stones. If you are tired of drinking water all day long, you could try squeezing a lemon in it or adding about 10% of a powdered sports drink into it. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX #5: Getting Confused Over The Need For Food Versus The Need For Water XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX To make sure that the hunger pangs you are feeling are, in fact, hunger pangs, you should drink water before you serve yourself. A lot of people tend to confuse their bodys craving for water as a craving for food. While you should continue to eat and snack as you normally would, get into the habit of drinking water along with them. Make sure that your nightstand has a bottle of water on it at all times and drink from it as soon as you wake up in the morning. This allows you to hydrate your body just enough to make it through the first half of the day. #6: Drinking All Your Fluids At One Go XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Try your best not to glug down your entire fluid intake in one shot as this will leave you feeling overfull and possibly nauseous. Instead, drink your initial 8 ounces of water and then keeping sipping on water every 15 to 30 minutes all through the day. #7: Hydrating With The Wrong Things XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Just because you are drinking something in liquid form, it doesnt mean that you are hydrating. For instance, certain sport drinks and colas have a high sugar content, which could be bad for you and end up giving you a sugar high. This will eventually lead to a crash. Remember, ditching the soda also means that you will be able to shed those unnecessary pounds which you have accumulated as a result. #8: Making Hydrating A Holistic Ritual XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX It isnt enough to use water to hydrate your system. When you workout especially, you tend to perspire quite a bit. Drinking water isnt the only way you can replace what you sweat out. Your body also needs electrolytes and carbs. Try a sports drink with a water-to-sports drink proportion of 65/35 with low sugar content. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX #9.: ALL TEETOTALERS HAD IT.... SINCE YOUR INTAKE OF WATER IS LESS IN YOUR BODY..YOU WOULD GO TO HELL AND NOT HEAVEN.... YOUR BODY WILL NOT BECOME THIN VAPOUR AND LIGHTER IN WEIGHT ...YOU WOULD FLOAT AT 4000 FEET ABOVE SEA LEVEL AND GET CAUGHT BY THE DEVILS ROAMING AT THAT ALTITUDE..AND THEY WOULD EAT YOU UP AND TAKE YOU IN THE HELL BUNGALOWS AS COMPARED TO THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN DRINKING EVERY DAY ONLY WITH WATER.. THEIR MASS DENSITY IS VERY LESS AND THEY WOULD SKIP THE CLUTCHES OF THE DEVILS..AND GO TO UPPER LEVEL AT 8000 FEET AT 3200 FEET PER SEC..WHERE YOU WILL HAVE BEAUTIFUL DAMES WAITING FOR WITH A GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE AS AN ENTRY DRINK...AND THE HEAVEN IS ALL YOURS...NOW THE CHOICE IS YOUR SO ON THIS GANDHI JAYANTI DAY...U WANT HELL OR HEAVEN..RGDS..HAPPY DUESSHRA..TO ALL MY FACE BOOK..FRIENDS...SHARAN
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 10:15:24 +0000

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