Complete Box Sash Window Replacement One of the wonderful parts - TopicsExpress


Complete Box Sash Window Replacement One of the wonderful parts of the design of the sash and casement window is the ability to replace individual components. This makes the sash and casement window design far more economical on a long-term basis than a window made as a whole unit. We can supply and fit replacement sashes with like for like profiles and mouldings. Differences in varying weights of glass are noted and new weights are fitted to counter balance the new sash and ensure its correct operation. Rotten window sills are completely replaced with identical weather mouldings thus saving the need to replace the box casement. Where uneconomical to replace several components we can install brand new sash and casement windows made to order. Sash Window Restoration Restoration of original sash and casement windows can add value to your home, make your windows more pleasant to use, provide less draughts and reduce noise. Our restoration service includes completely stripping the exterior of the windows, replacing sash cords, maintaining or replacing pulley wheels, incorporating our draught proofing system, renewing putty lines and mastic, repairing damaged or weakened joints and painting the original windows. Previously paint sealed, broken or rattling windows become easy to operate and maintain while retaining all of their original charm. Draught Proofing and Service One of the most common complaints with original sash and case windows is that they have draughts, are noisy and rattle when opened. Our draught proofing service addresses all of these points and is extremely effective. We completely replace the original baton rods and parting beads (the internal frame that keeps the sashes in the casement) with new timber made to order that incorporates a draught seal.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 10:49:39 +0000

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