Computer games Negative effects of these games continue well - TopicsExpress


Computer games Negative effects of these games continue well after a child finishes playing with it , for afterwards, he is always thinking of how to reach the last levels of the game and how to defeat his opponents , such as monsters , animals or evil men who come back to life whenever he kills them. These games have far ecceeded the level of innocent entertainment and reached that of addiction ; many children waste numerous hours in front of their screens and monitors. There are some fathers who do realise the prohibitions which these games include , yet they take the matter lightly and still buy these games claiming that these children are still young and do not fully comprehend matters and that they are not held accountable for their actions by Allaah. Others says that the games contain images only which are not real and their children are well aware of this distinction so the games will not adversely affect them. Such claims contain many mistakes: 1.Thinking that children donot know anything is incorrect . Because for example when a child sees a picture of women, it remains in his memory and he will later start liking this picture .As time pass , this picture could well be the fuel which enflames his desires and lusts before their due time. 2. The manufacture of these devices have used the most sophisticated technology to make things appears as if they are real; they use 3-dimensional pictures which are exactly like real life images. Consequently , they have a profound effect on our children . 3. Teaching children noble morals and honourable manners and getting them accustomed to this starts from a very early age. Effect: *believing that there are super heroes who can do absolutely anything , such as in the game . *loving disbelievers and honouring them , which happens by developing love for some of these characters in these games who play the star roles. * Imitating the disbelieves * In some games , when a character dies, his spirit departs his body in the form of transparent creatures with coloured wings which rises to the heavens.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 04:18:00 +0000

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