Concerned mothers urge Govt on socioeconomic problems Benin - TopicsExpress


Concerned mothers urge Govt on socioeconomic problems Benin City - The Concerned Mothers of Nigeria (CMN), has called on the three levels of government to urgently address the numerous socioeconomic problems be delving the country. The call was made by the Co-ordinator of the group, Evang. A. O. Toyinbo, yesterday in Benin City during the group’s peace protest March to the Edo State House of Assembly. According to Evang. Toyinbo, Urgent attention should be provided by all levels of government to provide urgent and lasting solution to insecurity challenges in the country. She also called for urgent steps to be taken to meet the demands of the Academic staff Union of Universities (ASUU), so as to end the lingering Crisis for the betterment of the Educational system in the country. The group coordinator while condemning all laws promoting underage marriage in the country, expressed the need for serious campaign and awareness on the dangers of rape and the penalties that await any rapist caught”. Speaker, Edo State House of Assembly, Hon. Uyi Igbe, who received the group thanked the people for coming to register their protest peacefully. He assured them that their demands would be channeled to the appropriate authority for urgent attention. According to him the government is putting adequate machinery in place to address the insecurity challenges that are facing the country. Hon. Igbe, also assured the group that the government would revisit the legislation on the child marriage, while noting that the government is making plans to negotiate terms of agreement with ASUU as a step toward ending the strike embarked upon by the union .
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 14:49:01 +0000

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