Contrary to the completely understandable assumption that Im a bit - TopicsExpress


Contrary to the completely understandable assumption that Im a bit of a narcissist as evidenced by the amount of crap I put on here regarding my life, I dont really like to toot my own horn, like, at all. So, when trying to get the various medical personnel Ive been dealing with the last few days to understand the gravity of my situation in terms of time for me as it relates to this impending marathon Ive got coming up, Im starting to feel like a jackass having to let them know that Im kind of serious about this stuff and hence- A) Just resting for a few weeks is not an option and B) Just by the suggestion of that, I dont think theyre picking up what Im throwing down and C) I just want a straight answer from someone who actually knows runners, instead of a waffling and fascinated curiosity at what a weird thing I do practically every damned day of the year. Either tell me what to do to be able to run, stick a tube in my leg and get rid of this small egg-shaped thing thats pushing lots of important tendons and muscles to places theyd rather not be, or tell me that Im done for a while. This Well, Im not sure what I can tell you... answer is not what Im looking for and I dont have time to keep wondering what I should do next. Ive met with the docs, theyve done a bunch of tests and talked to me a lot and its time to tell me wtf is up, one way or another. Im getting neither faster nor younger sitting here. OK, rant over.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:03:03 +0000

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