Crazy few days, Dayton was air ambulanced to Winnipeg on Thursday, - TopicsExpress


Crazy few days, Dayton was air ambulanced to Winnipeg on Thursday, she started having complications breathing in the afternoon and after rushing her to the ER they determined that her right lung was only functioning at partial capacity. They ran a few tests and quickly informed us that they needed to get her to the Childrens Hospital at Health Science in Winnipeg ASAP. After our fun plane ride and ambulance rides we arrived. The Drs and specialists ran many, many tests X-rays & Scans, to see what could be causing the problem. After everything came back there were very few answers for us and nothing 100% certain but what they believe is that she has aspirated something into her right lung that is not being detected or seen by X-rays and scans. The only way to tell for certain if there was something in her lung was a procedure that the Dr didnt feel was the right thing to do because of her age and possible risks and side effects. After giving her a few different medications Daytons breathing is now just about normal, and she was so amazingly brave through it and all the Drs were so impressed with her happy spirit and smiles through it all. We are now at home watching her very carefully as the Dr thinks that whatever she aspirated is still in her lungs but is just sitting dormant at the moment and it could cause problems again but there is a chance she could cough it out. If she has another attack the will have no choice but to do the procedure fingers crossed she wont have to go though that. We are now at home and she is happy in very good spirits, but gets tired out very, very easy. A BIG thank you to all the amazing Drs and nurses in Brandon ER who acted so fast and were so wonderful with Dayton, as well as the ambulance attendants, medevac Drs, and the Drs at Childrens hospital at HSC. As well Thank You to everyone who messaged, called, and text, we didnt get a chance to respond to everyone but they didnt go unnoticed and believe me getting the messages from everyone made Dayton, John, and I feel very, very, loved. John Roche
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 18:50:59 +0000

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