Crybaby Boehner has FINALLY called for a select committee on - TopicsExpress


Crybaby Boehner has FINALLY called for a select committee on Benghazi. The most transparent administration in history was finally forced by a lawsuit brought on by Judicial Watch, for the release of some WH e-mails. We will now hear a bunch of people on the right, call for Obamas impeachment. Lets say it comes to that and Barry actually gets impeached (Fat Chance unless we get a supermajority in the Senate, remember the Clinton fiasco?), That would elevate Biden to the big chair and he would pardon Barry before the ink was dry on the impeachment papers. No, what needs to happen, is the Committee needs to have the power to prosecute in Federal Court. Then, fry every asshole who is involved in this cover-up. We have seen in the past, that merely turning a case over to the Dept. of Just-Us will have no results, so it is imperative that the Committee be able to prosecute. If Boehner does not call for this, then we will know that this is simply an election year ploy. And if this is the case, then Boehner is almost more despicable than the Obama administration and all their minions, because he would be using the deaths of 4 Americans to merely posture for elections.
Posted on: Mon, 05 May 2014 11:01:44 +0000

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