Crying, sniffling, weeping for Windy. I thought she was going to - TopicsExpress


Crying, sniffling, weeping for Windy. I thought she was going to rally again. Yesterday she shook the heck out of a prekilled mouse morsel, hissed at Roman when he ventured near. Devoured the mouse head and shoulders. Later ate some chicken liver and minced gizzards, then put a good dent in a dish of thawed raw soup. She tottered to the potty. Ever the prim and proper little girl. Then burrowed in to the boys pile of Roman, Bugsy Malone and RC. So I put off calling the vet. Maybe it was her way to say shed rather stick wiyh her friends through the end. She is barely here. Non responsive, not exhibiting any pain but her breathing is shallow and autonomous. She is curled inside my shucked off pants. One of her favorite places to snooze. Go ahead and fly Windy. There is more fun and adventures for you. Find Fizzle and snuggle together- help Fizzle keep Josie in line. Bugsy Malone and Crystal will catch up to you later. I love you my little whirlwindy.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 14:55:57 +0000

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