Crystals and Sinusitis Chronic sinusitis is a special kind of - TopicsExpress


Crystals and Sinusitis Chronic sinusitis is a special kind of sinusitis in cases that last a long time, sometimes even after antibiotics are given. Its the most frequently reported chronic disease. Acute sinusitis is when bacteria invade the sinus cavities and impair proper drainage of mucus from the sinuses to the nose. Investigate your sinusitis. It could be food related, environmental, or reactions due to chemicals or certain fragrances. Medical science believes the sinuses around your nose act like small air-quality control centers. Its their job to warm, moisten, purify, and generally condition the air you breathe before it hits your lungs. Entering bacteria gets trapped and filtered out by mucus and minute nasal hairs called cilia. This air-flow system can sometimes slow down when something impedes the cilia, if a cold clogs the sinus openings, or if an allergen swells the sinus linings. Then air gets trapped, pressure builds, the mucus stagnates, and bacteria breed. Infection sets in and you have sinusitis. When you get clogged up, you may end up with a permanent thickening of the sinus membranes and chronic congestion. Those who are cigarette smokers and people who suffer from upper respiratory allergies are even more likely to develop bad sinus problems. There are four pairs of sinuses in the human skull that help circulate moist air throughout the nasal passages. The common cold is the most prevalent predisposing factor to sinusitis. Acute sinusitis typically causes symptoms of nasal congestion and a thick yellow or green discharge. Other symptoms include tenderness and pain over the sinuses, frontal headaches, and sometimes chills, fever, and pressure in the area of the sinuses. Chronic sinusitis differs slightly, in that symptoms can be milder and may only include postnasal drip, bad breath, and an irritating dry cough. Hay fever, environmental triggers unrelated to hay fever, food allergens, and dental infections can also lead to sinusitis. Crystals recommended for sinusitis are: Rhodochrosite: Solid to clear pink. Gentle, yet probably the most vibrant loving stone to heal the Heart Chakra, especially for giving/receiving love. Stone of Love and Balance. Also for loneliness, loss, heartache, fear, insecurities, inner-child issues, abuse, incest...Helps self-forgiveness, deservingness and trust issues, spiritual-and self-love, desire to live, purpose. Best worn 24 hrs. a day. Electromagnetic. Stronger than Rose Qtz. Solar plexus, stomach (anxiety), food addictions, anorexia, asthma, sinusitis, eyesight (especially emotional not-seeing, to avoid pain). thymus. Open the hand healing Chakras. Specialized uses to detox/heal blood, liver, cancer. Works in the bathtub to de-stress the body. A fairly recent discovery in the mineral kingdom. Comes in shades of orange and pink. Has stripes of various width in shades of white. Most comes from the US or USSR. A very beneficial stone for those with asthma or other respiratory illnesses. Helps you filter out the irritants that trigger respiratory difficulty. Also purifies the circulatory system and the cleansing organs, especially the kidneys. Helps you alleviate irrational fears and paranoia. Will enhance the dream state. Suggested to be used in conjunction with Malachite or Copper. Smithsonite: Light blue, pink, or lavender fuzzy bubbles. Harmonizes and aligns Heart, Throat, and Brow Chakra for smoother communications, leadership, perceptiveness and depth in relationships, and expansion into new areas. Meditation clarity, and receptiveness. Insight via dreams, dream recall. Versatile; Historically works well in many areas, especially Throat Chakra, nose, lymph, immunity; tissue elasticity. Chakra corresponds with stone color. Suggested for security and a balanced life. Also helps you deal with difficult relationships.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 23:04:45 +0000

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