Curious to know, when did respect disappear? When did it become - TopicsExpress


Curious to know, when did respect disappear? When did it become okay for a man to tell you everything he is thinking, ESPECIALLY when what he is thinking is inappropriate, disrespectful and unwarranted or unwanted? I mean, does it even matter that you are not in relationship with one another... and have never ventured in the direction? Well if it doesnt, I am here to tell you today that IT SHOULD. Why is it that SOME MEN feel it okay to roll up, stroll up, or just strike up a conversation with a woman and before that first conversation ends, they think it necessary to advise you of the way you look, your shape, and/or the feelings that those things evoke in them? If I was to be honest, I ALREADY KNOW what I look like and what Im working with... so that portion of this conversation is unnecessary; but, as far as your thoughts of my package and the affect that it may be having upon yours... PLEASE SPARE ME. I am truly not interested in knowing. What happened to CHIVALRY is what I’d like to know? What has happened to real men being and behaving as real men... you know; MAN: the protector, provider, defender of a womans virtue? These days I have encountered more boys disguised as men than the real thing and please believe me when I say age is not a factor, trust me. Some of the older guys are worse than the younger. I am seriously wondering men, where are you? Will the real men PLEASE STAND UP! If you do, I just want to give you an applause. See, I had begun to lose hope, I thought you were lost in this age of rappers calling us out of our name and women shaking their rumps because bands make them dance. I thought you were forever lost; casualties of the war on love and respect (for self and others) and the war on being a gentleman. Then I came to myself and realized, if a woman like myself (and others that I have spoken to) still exist... surely our LOVING, HEAVENLY FATHER has you somewhere wondering where we are as well. I often think that maybe I am lost in time and that I am really from a different era. Perhaps I was just born at the wrong time; but, then that would mean our wise God made a mistake; so, obviously I am wrong in that thinking as well. I guess I just want to get back to a simpler time. A time when roles meant something and we allowed ourselves to give in to them; like the time when women were cherished and men were respected. A time when love was the thing to aspire for and to attain; instead, I see people shacking and playing house. I see that these days women and men are both cheating and thinking it okay to one up the other. When I think of all the risks, all the threats to life out in the world today (disease)... or even if I think of the wrong messages that television and radio send us and our next generations, I am disheartened. I almost lost hope of ever being in love again; of being the object of someones attention and affection. I have actually forgotten what it is to be picked up and taken out on a real date, being walked to the door afterward… not because you want to come in; rather, because it is the right thing to do to ensure my safety. No ulterior motives. These days, it is safer to meet you somewhere than to take a chance of giving you my address... such a sad state. Romance it appears has died along with chivalry and here I am, a woman awaiting her prince or her king. I am a woman looking to see if there is such a man among me; not necessarily trying to find him; as much as, looking to see if that man remembers he is needed and wanted in this time. I miss the swagger and charm of a real man. I miss that man’s ability to take charge or command a room. I have seen a man of power fill an entryway as if he were the door and I have never gotten that image out of my head. There are still many men who has the potential or the ability to be that man… if that is you, please stand. There is a woman somewhere praying for you to arrive. Even more thrilling than that man’s ability to command a room or change the atmosphere by entering it, is his ability to pray and call on the name of the Lord. A strong man submitted to God is utterly amazing. That man will know how to cover his home, finances and family… that man will understand his role as the head and lead his entire family into victorious living. During this feminist, “women run the world” movement, there are still a few women that know the difference between having our own career, money and home and the ability to recognize and submit to a REAL MAN, allowing him the ability to wear the pants in a relationship. We know how to switch hats and go from owning or controlling the boardroom to submitting in the living room. Men, we never wanted you to abdicate your thrones or to give up your roles. We are your help meet (mate), which actually means I help to relieve you of some of your burden. I help you attain your goal. It means we stand together, back to back, shoulder to shoulder and fight our battle and win our wars; then, I return to my cherished role of woman when were through. I am your warrior queen... but, this queen is nothing without her king or at least that is what Ephesians 4:9-10, which tells us that “two are better than one for they have a good reward for their labor; for if they fall, one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falls; for he hath not another to help him up” implies... I mean what good is it to be this powerful alone; when I have no one to share it with or to help me during distress? I believe that even though God were looking at Adam and woman had yet to arrive on the scene when he said in Genesis 2:18, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him”, He actually meant it is not good for mankind to be alone and just as each animal had a partner; so should we. I believe this, just as it is not good for a man, who was made to work, protect and provide, to be alone... it is definitely NOT GOOD for woman, made to influence, nurture and administer love and respect, to be alone either. Well, it looks as if I have gotten off topic and gone on a tangent; so, I will reel myself in and again pose this question, WHERE ARE THE REAL MEN? I revert back to this place because there are a host of Good WOMEN (though I mean only ONE for each couple) and we are patiently anticipating your arrival. Do not keep us waiting. ~dp #LIVETHEPROPHECY #BEAUTY4LIFE #COACHDEE
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 06:53:38 +0000

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